





2018-04-27 14:24:11来源:网络


  GMAT 2018综合版OG中有一道SC的题目which“没有指代就近n,而是指代了就近句子”。



  Gusty westerly winds will continue to usher in a seasonably cool air mass into the region, as a broad area of high pressure will build and bring fair and dry weather for several days.

  (A) to usher in a seasonably cool air mass into the region, as a broad area of high pressure will build and

  (B) ushering in a seasonably cool air mass into the region and a broad area of high pressure will build that

  (C) to usher in a seasonably cool air mass to the region, a broad area of high pressure building, and

  (D) ushering a seasonably cool air mass in the region, with a broad area of high pressure building and

  (E) to usher a seasonably cool air mass into the region while a broad area of high pressure builds, which will

  其中正确选项E引起了很大的争论,“,which”在该选项中是指代了a broad area of high pressure builds这个句子吗?其实官方的回复是这样的:


  In the item referred to below (IBN 12131, OG 2018 #781), ‘which’ could be interpreted as having the preceding clause as its antecedent, but it is better understood as having the noun phrase ‘a broad area of high pressure’ as its antecedent. Certain types of verbs that indicate arrival, positioning, coming into being, and the like can stand between a relative pronoun and its antecedent in cases where there is unlikely to be any confusion and the writer wants to avoid the awkwardness of putting the verb after a long intervening phrase.

  For example, one could say “A new CEO is coming who will change the way our company does business.” In the sentence in OG #781, this construction is a simple and efficient alternative to a wording such as “while a broad area of high pressure, which will bring fair and dry weather for several days builds.” Interpreted either way (with ‘which’ referring to the front or to the front’s building), option E is clearer and more effectively expressed than any of the other options.



  OG 2017的第84题(也是OG 2018的第84题):

  New data from United States Forest Service ecologists show that for every dollar spent on controlled small scale burning, forest thinning, and the training of fire management personnel, it saves seven dollars that would not be spent on having to extinguish big fires.

  (A) that for every dollar spent on controlled small scale burning, forest thinning, and the training of fire-management personnel, it saves seven dollars that would not be spent on having to extinguish

  (B) that for every dollar spent on controlled small scale burning, forest thinning, and the training of fire-management personnel, seven dollars are saved that would have been spent on extinguishing

  (C) that for every dollar spent on controlled small scale burning, forest thinning, and the training of fire-management personnel saves seven dollars on not having to extinguish

  (D) for every dollar spent on controlled small-scale burning, forest thinning, and the training of fire management personnel, that it saves seven dollars on not having to extinguish

  (E) for every dollar spent on controlled small-scale burning, forest thinning, and the training of fire management personnel, that seven dollars are saved that would not have been spent on extinguishing

  该题正确答案为B选项,其中seven dollars are saved that would have been spent on extinguishing big fires 就是将are saved 放在了名词与定语从句之间,不会造成歧义的同时又避免了主谓间隔过远。


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