





2018-06-23 11:17:00来源:网络




  181.Bob WilberbecameSidneyBechet’sstudent and protégé when he was nineteen and, for a few years inthe 1940’ s, came as closeto beinga carbon copyof the jazzvirtuoso inperformance as anyone has evercome.

  (A) as anyonehas ever come

  (B) as anyone everhad been

  (C) as anyone everhad done

  (D) that anyoneever did

  (E) that anyoneever came

  182.Bringing the Ford MotorCompanybackfromtheverge of bankruptcyshortly afterthe Second World Warwas aspecialgovernmentallysanctionedprice increaseduring a periodof wage and price controls.

  (A) Bringing theFord Motor Companybackfromthe vergeof bankruptcyshortly after the Second World Warwas aspecialgovernmentallysanctionedprice increase during a periodof wage and price controls.

  (B) What broughtthe Ford Motor Companyback from the verge of bankruptcy shortlyaftertheSecond World War was a special priceincrease thatthe governmentsanctioned during aperiod of wage andprice controls.

  (C) That whichbrought theford MotorCompanybackfromtheverge of bankruptcyshortlyafterthe Second World War was a special governmentallysanctionedpriceincreaseduring a periodof wage and price controls.

  (D) What has brought theFord MotorCompanybackfromtheverge of bankruptcyshortlyafterthe Second World War was a specialpriceincrease that the government sanctionedduring a periodof wages and pricecontrols.

  (E) T o bring theFord Motor Companybackfromthe vergeof bankruptcyshortly after the Second World War , therewas aspecialpriceincreaseduring a period of wages and price controls thatgovernmentsanctioned.

  183.Bufo marinus toads, fierce predatorsthatwill eat frogs, lizards,and even small birds, are native toSouth America butwere introduced intoFlorida duringthe 1930’ s in an attempt tocontrol pests inthe state’ s vast sugarcanefields.

  (A) arenative to South America but wereintroducedinto Florida during the 1930’ s in an attempt tocontrol

  (B) are native inSouth America butwere introduced intoFlorida duringthe 1930’ s as attempts tocontrol

  (C) are natives of South Americabut were introduced into Floridaduring the 1930’ s in an attempt atcontrolling

  (D) hadbeen native toSouth America butwere introducedto Floridaduring the 1930’ s as an attemptat controlling

  (E) had beennatives of South America butwere introducedto Floridaduring the 1930’ s as attempts atcontrolling

  184.Buildinglarge new hospitals in thebistate areawouldconstitute awasteful use of resources, on the basis of avoidanceof duplicated facilities alone.

  (A) on the basis of avoidance of duplicated facilities alone

  (B) on the grounds of avoidingduplicatedfacilities alone

  (C) solelyinthatduplicated facilities should beavoided

  (D) while theduplication of facilitiesshouldbe avoided

  (E) if onlybecause the duplicationof facilities should be avoided

  185.By1914, ten of thewestern stateshad grantedwomentheright tovote, but only one in theEast.

  (A) onlyone in theEast

  (B) onlyone eastern state

  (C) in theEast there was onlyone state

  (D) inthe Eastonlyonestate did

  (E) onlyonein theEast had






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