





2018-06-27 20:24:00来源:网络




  94. “If parents want to prepare their children to succeed in life, teaching the children self-discipline is more important than teaching them self-esteem.”

  Discuss the extent to which you agree or disagree with the opinion stated above. Support your views with reasons and/or examples from your own experience, observations, or reading.

  The speaker claims that teaching children self-discipline is more important to their future success than helping them develop self-esteem. I think the formula ought to be reversed. Granted, self-discipline is a critical element of success. Still, a person’s estimation of self forms the basis from which all one’s life choices, for good or ill (好歹), are made.

  First of all, it is important to understand the concept of self-esteem. Many psychologists recommend nurturing self-esteem in children above all else. Detractors (诋毁者,贬低者) of this viewpoint denounce the prescription, arguing that it encourages children to grow up self-absorbed, overbearing, insolent and worse. But this criticism misconstrues self-esteem, which should not be confused with egotism or arrogance. Instead, self-esteem begins with one’s positive assessment of self-worth (n. [=self-esteem]自尊, 自尊心,自大, 自负), and sustains personal characteristics like confidence, competence, and even caring.

  Given this understanding, it is difficult to overrate the connection between self-esteem and personal success. A child who grows up believing she is worthwhile, strong and able is more likely to be self-assured and well-adjusted. And this, in turn, will dispose her to attempt challenging projects and nurture positive associations with others.

  Admittedly, success is rare for those who procrastinate or cannot stay focused on the task at hand. However, there are many examples where self-discipline in the absence of healthy self-esteem has lead to undesirable and even tragic outcomes. Take the menial worker who is meticulous on the job, but cannot envision herself capable of greater achievement. Or, in the extreme case, consider the scooters at Columbine High School, whose plans were exacting and carefully executed. They did not lack self-discipline, though they reportedly suffered very low self-esteem.

  In conclusion, self-esteem is the most fundamental feature of personal accomplishment. For this reason, it is vital that parents nurture it in their children. It is also important to teach children self-discipline; however, it is incorrect to place its significance above that of self-esteem.





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