





2018-06-28 20:24:00来源:网络




  100. “In order to force companies to improve policies and practices considered unethical or harmful, society should rely primarily on consumer action—such as refusal to buy products—rather than legislative action.”

  Discuss the extent to which you agree or disagree with the opinion stated above. Support your position with reasons and/or examples from your own experience, observations, or reading.

  Consumer action is an important tool for responding to harmful or unethical business practices. However, it is not always an especially effective one. Thus I disagree with the stated opinion, and would argue that legislative action is an equally important means for constraining the activities of business.

  Ideally, consumer action would be the best free market response to harmful or unethical business activity. Consider widespread public support for the United Farm Workers’ table grape boycott, called by late union leader Cesar Chavez in protest of injustices against field workers. The boycott worked; eventually loss of revenues forced California grape growers to agree to fairer working conditions. This is what Adam Smith had in mind when he argued that business, left free to pursue profit, would be guided by the so-called invisible hand of competition to produce the greatest social benefit.

  However, history has shown the hand of competition sometimes to be inept as well as invisible in guiding the modern corporation. Limited solely by the forces of competition, corporations have been known to steal from one another, exploit workers, inflate prices, market harmful products, lie in advertising and pollute the environment. Moreover, consumer response has had little if any effect on many such practices.

  Indeed, it is increasingly difficult to direct an effective consumer response. In a time of large conglomerates and multi-tiered international corporations, consumers may not know which company is responsible for a given harm or injustice. Additionally, those harmed by a business may not be its consumers. For instance, if a clothing chain subcontracts to foreign garment companies that seriously exploit their workers, few of the store’s customers would stop shopping there out of sympathy for faceless (不知名的) workers thousands of miles away. Finally, consumer action takes time; it took years for the UFW boycott to succeed. Sometimes the harm in question is simply too great to wait for the invisible hand.

  In conclusion, consumer action should not be the primary means of reacting to undesirable business practices. Some legislation is necessary to curb business activities that create serious harm or injustice.





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