





2018-06-28 20:24:00来源:网络




  101. “The automobile has caused more problems than it has solved. Most societies would probably be much better off if the automobile had never been invented.”

  Discuss the extent to which you agree or disagree with the opinion stated above. Support your views with reasons and/or examples from your own experience, observations, or reading.

  The speaker claims that most societies would be better off without the invention of the automobile. Granted, automotive transportation has imposed tremendous costs on society. Nevertheless, I disagree with the stated opinion, for the automobile has produced even greater benefits.

  Admittedly, automobiles create serious social problems. Highway vehicles are responsible for a large share of the carbon monoxide, nitrogen oxide, sulfur dioxide and other toxic emissions that pollute our air. Moreover, chemical gasoline additives designed to reduce air pollution have resulted in unexpected ground and water contamination. Debilitating and often fatal pollution-related respiratory diseases are causing health care costs to skyrocket. Similarly rising are the costs of auto accident-related injuries and deaths, which emergency room personnel claim amount to an epidemic. In addition, crowded urban areas now experience the psychological phenomenon of road rage, which often leads to assault injuries and deaths. And, out-of-use vehicles are unsightly litter in front yards, junkyards and the countryside.

  However, automobile use is not the sole factor leading to these problems and their associated costs. Overpopulation is another contributing cause; if there were fewer people, and fewer people with cars, the problems mentioned above would be less severe as well. But give the current global population explosion, it is difficult to imagine very many things in society functioning at all without automotive transportation.

  The most general benefit of the automobile is increased mobility, which in turn provides for the efficient delivery of emergency services, medical supplies, housing materials, fresh food and other important goods to large numbers of people. Moreover, the automobile contributes to the employment picture in two ways: the industry provides many jobs, and people are more likely to get jobs if they own and drive automobiles. The automobile also provides other benefits, like recreation and convenience, that are not quite in category of basic need. But their importance should not be underestimated. Recreation contributes significantly to quality of life and wellbeing. And sheer convenience opens up possibilities for the realization of many additional goods, like helping those in need.

  In conclusion, the invention of the automobile was indeed a mixed blessing. But the benefits of automotive technology outweigh its harms, particularly in a heavily populated world.





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