





2018-06-29 17:23:00来源:网络




  286.Even today ,a centuryafter Pasteur developed thefirst vaccine,rabies almost alwayskills its victims unless inoculated inthe earlieststages of the disease.

  (A) its victims unless inoculated

  (B) its victims unless theyare inoculated

  (C) its victims unless inoculation is done

  (D) the victims unless there is an inoculation

  (E) thevictimsunless inoculated

  287.Everyoneparticipating in theearlysociologicalstudycommitteda crucial methodological error byfailingto fullyconsider alternative waysof classifying their data.

  (A) byfailingto fullyconsider alternativewaysof classifyingtheir

  (B) byfailing fullyto consideralternativeways of classifying their

  (C) theyfailedto consider alternativeways toclassifytheir

  (D) bynotfullyconsidering alternativeways toclassifythe

  (E) bynot considering fullyalternative waysof classifyinghis or her

  288.Exceptfor a concert performancethatthe composerhimselfstaged in1911, Scott Joplin’ s ragtimeopera T reemonisha was notproduced until 1972, sixty-one years after its completion.

  (A) Exceptfor a concertperformance that thecomposer himself staged

  (B) Exceptfor a concert performancewith thecomposer himselfstagingit

  (C) Besides a concert performancebeing stagedbythe composerhimself

  (D) Exceptinga concert performancethatthe composerhimselfstaged

  (E) Withtheexceptionof a concert performancewith thestaging done bythe composer himself

  289.Executives and federalofficialssaythat theuse of crackand cocaine is growing rapidlyamong workers, significantlycompoundingthe effects of drug and alcoholabuse, which alreadyarea cost tobusiness of morethan $100 billiona year .

  (A) significantlycompounding theeffects of drug andalcoholabuse, which already are acost to business of

  (B) significantlycompoundingthe effects of drug and alcohol abuse, which alreadycost business

  (C) significantlycompoundingthe effects of drug and alcohol abuse, alreadywith business costs of

  (D) significantin compounding theeffects of drug andalcoholabuse, and already costing business

  (E) significantin compoundingthe effects of drug and alcohol abuse,and already costs business

  290.Faced withan estimated$2 billionbudgetgap, the city’ s mayor proposeda nearly 17 percentreduction in theamountallocatedthe previous year tomaintain the city’ smajorcultural institutionsand to subsidizehundreds of localarts groups.

  (A) proposed anearly17 percentreductionin theamountallocatedthe previous year tomaintain the city’ smajor cultural institutions and to subsidize

  (B) proposeda reduction from the previous yearof nearly17 percentin the amountit was allocating to maintain thecity’ smajorcultural institutionsand for subsidizing

  (C) proposedto reduce,bynearly17 percent,the amount fromthe previous year that was allocated for them aintenance of thecity’ smajorcultural institutions and tosubsidize

  (D) has proposed areductionfromtheprevious year of nearly17 percent of the amountit was allocating for maintaining thecity’ smajorcultural institutions, and tosubsidize

  (E) was proposingthatthe amount theywere allocatingbe reducedbynearly17 percentfromtheprevious yearfor maintainingthe city’ s major cultural institutions and for thesubsidization





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