





2018-06-29 17:23:00来源:网络




  296.Few people realize that the chance of accidentalinjuryor death maybe as great or greaterin the“safety”of their own homesthan ina planeor on the road.

  (A) maybe as great or greater in the “safety”of theirown homes than

  (B) is at least as greator greater in the“safety”of theirown homes than

  (C) mightbe so greator greaterin the“safety”of their own homeas

  (D) maybe atleastas great inthe “safety”of their own homes as

  (E) canbe at least so greatin the“safety”of theirown homeas

  297.Fifty-two percent of UnitedStates highschool graduates go on to college, comparedwith Canada’ s thirty-fivepercentand Great Britain,Japan, and West Germany’ s fifteen percent.

  (A) Fifty-two percentof UnitedStates high schoolgraduates go on tocollege, comparedwith Canada’ s thirty-fivepercentand Great Britain,Japan, and WestGermany’ s fifteen percent.

  (B) Fifty-two percent of UnitedStates highschool graduates go on to college;in Canadait is thirty-fivepercentand in GreatBritain, Japan, and West Germanyitis fifteen percent.

  (C) In the UnitedStates,Fifty-two percent of high schoolgraduates go on to college, compared withthirty-five percent inCanada andfifteenpercentin Great Britain,Japan,and WestGermany .

  (D) Thepercentage of highschool graduates in theUnited States who go on to college is fifty-two, comparedwith Canada’ s thirty-fivepercent,Great Britain’ s fifteen, Japan’ s fifteen,and West Germany’ sfifteen.

  (E) The percentage of UnitedStates highschoolgraduatesgoing on to collegeis fifty-two that inCanada is thirty-five, and that inGreat Britain, Japan, and WestGermanyis fifteen.

  298.Five fledgling seaeagles left their nests in westernScotland this summer , bringingto34 the numberof wild birds successfullyraised sincetransplants from Norwaybeganin 1975.

  (A) bringing

  (B) and brings

  (C) and itbrings

  (D) andit brought

  (E) and brought

  299.Florida will gainanotherquarter-millionjobs this yearalone, manyof themin high-payingfields like electronics and banking,makingthe state’ s economyfar more diversifiedthan tenyears ago.

  (A) high-paying fields likeelectronicsand banking, making thestate’ s economy far morediversifiedthan

  (B) high-payingfields like electronics and banking,and makingthe state’ s economyfar more diversifiedthan itseconomy

  (C) high-payingfields such as electronics and banking,to makethe state’ s economyfar more diversifiedthan

  (D) such high-paying fields as electronics andbanking, making thestate’ s economyfar more diversifiedthan itwas

  (E) such high-payingfieldsas electronics and banking,and make thestate’ s economyfar more diversifiedthan itwas

  300.Following thedestructionof thespaceshuttleChallenger , investigatorsconcluded that many key people employed by the National Aeronautics andSpace Administration and its contractors work an excessive amount of overtime that has the potential of causingerrors in judgment.

  (A) overtimethathas the potential of causing

  (B) overtime that has thepotentialto cause

  (C) overtime that potentiallycancause

  (D) overtime,a practicethathas the potential for causing

  (E) overtime,a practicethat can,potentially ,cause






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