





2018-06-30 20:24:00来源:网络




  113. “It is essential that the nations of the world increase spending on the building of space stations and on the exploration of other planets, even if that means spending less on other government programs.”

  Discuss the extent to which you agree or disagree with the opinion stated above. Support your position with reasons and/or examples from your own experience, observations, or reading.

  The author believes that increased spending on space stations and the exploration of other planets is essential. I disagree with this view, and I especially disagree with the claim that such spending should take place at the expense of other government programs.

  Increased funding for the space program would be justified only if it could be shown that money spent on space programs would improve the lives of people on Earth more than money spent in other areas that directly affect the wellbeing of human. But there is no evidence that space programs can benefit people to a greater extent than, for example, medical care, medical research, education or environmental protection.

  Admittedly, the space program has produced a great many (adj.很多) “spinoff (n. 副产品,伴随的结果)” results that make life better in ways that have nothing to do with space. But if the nations of the world were to make as substantial an investment in medical research—or environmental protection, or marine exploration—many unforeseen but useful byproducts would certainly result. And it seems unwise to argue that we should invest huge sums of money in a project, hoping it will produce virtually unforeseen good results, particularly when the alternative is to invest the same money in projects that are certain to produce substantial benefits.

  It remains to consider whether the avowed goals of the space programs can justify increased spending. But those goals are unclear. We explore the universe out of scientific curiosity, which might warrant spending at the current level. But we are producing as much information now as the scientific community can reasonably assess. Without convincing arguments that some currently unstated goal will be served by more spending, there can be no justification for taking money from other programs.

  Therefore, it is not essential to increase funding for the space program, or to sacrifice other programs on its behalf. Space exploration does not yield the obvious benefits to humans that other government programs do. And neither the promise of spinoff benefits nor the current goals of the program justify increased spending.





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