





2018-07-01 20:38:00来源:网络




  134. “Although many people object to advertisements and solicitations (the practice or act or an instance of soliciting; especially: ENTREATY, IMPORTUNITY) that intrude into their lives through such means as the telephone, the Internet, and television, companies and organizations must have the right to contact potential customers and donors whenever and however they wish.”

  Discuss the extent to which you agree or disagree with the opinion stated above. Support your views with reasons and/or examples from your own experience, observations, or reading.

  The speaker’s opinion is that government should not restrict advertising or soliciting though the mail, telephone, Internet, or television. Up to a Point, I agree with this viewpoint. However, I strongly disagree with the reasoning that businesses and organizations enjoy a right to advertise or solicit, at any time and through any means.

  It is doubtful that such a sweeping (a: EXTENSIVE *sweeping reforms*; b: marked by wholesale and indiscriminate inclusion *sweeping generalities*) right can be defended by the usual appeals to freedom of speech or free market economics. First of all, public expression is justifiably limited when it is obscene or causes significant harm; federal communication guidelines that apply to advertising and soliciting reflect this. Secondly, free markets must satisfy certain criteria, including that full information about competing products be held by everyone, and that competition not be unfairly thwarted. Under these conditions, it would be hard to defend any but purely informational advertising; in contrast, most actual advertising is designed to manipulate people’s appetites, desires or sense of loyalty.

  Even so, we should be wary of government restrictions on advertising or soliciting. Government involvement in our free pursuits is justified only to prevent substantial harm to society. When advertisements or solicitations are clearly harmful, as is obvious with much pornography on the Internet, then government should intervene to restrict such messages, particularly those directed at children. But although endless sales pitches (pitch竭力推销) and pleas for charity are certainly annoying, most of them are not all that damaging.

  Moreover, consumers can limit the number of ads and solicitations they receive. For instance, consumer-protection organizations provide information about how to remove oneself from mailing lists. Most credit card companies offer customers the choice to receive direct mail or telephone advertising. Software companies and Internet servers provide programs and other means for restricting information received online. And telephone solicitors will, upon request, place consumers on their “no call” list.

  In conclusion, government generally should not restrict advertising or soliciting through the media, mail, telephone or Internet. This is best left to consumers, who have means available to them. However, with respect to ads or solicitations that create serious harm to society, especially to children, government restrictions are justified.





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