





2018-07-02 10:06:00来源:网络




  376.In Egypt inthe latePaleolithicperiod, theclimatechanged,pastures became deserts, and the inhabitants were forcedto withdrawto the land bordering the Nile fromtheirhunting grounds.

  (A) inhabitants were forcedto withdraw tothe landbordering theNile fromtheir hunting grounds

  (B) inhabitants hadbeen forcedto withdraw from their hunting grounds to the land that borderedthe Nile

  (C) inhabitants were forcedto withdrawfromtheirhunting grounds to the land bordering theNile

  (D) inhabitants havingbeen forcedto, withdrew from their hunting grounds to the land that borderedthe Nile

  (E) inhabitantswithdrew, becausetheywere forcedto, fromtheirhunting grounds to theland borderingthe Nile

  377.In Englandthe well-dressed gentlemanof the eighteen the century protected their clothing whilehaving their wig powdered bypokingtheirhead througha device that resembled the stocks.

  (A) gentleman of theeighteenthcenturyprotectedtheirclothingwhilehaving their wig powderedbypoking their head

  (B) gentlemanof the eighteenthcenturyprotected his clothing whilehavinghis wig powderedbypoking his head

  (C) gentlemanof the eighteenthcenturyprotected their clothing whilehaving their wigs powderedbypoking theirheads

  (D) gentlemen of theeighteenthcenturyprotectedhis clothing whilehaving his wig powderedbypoking his head

  (E) gentlemenof the eighteenth centuryprotected their clothingwhile having his wig powderedbypoking his head

  378.In feudalEurope, urban areas developedfromclusters of houses wherepeasants livedand commuted tofarmlandsin thecountryside, unlike homesteading policies in the American West thatrequiredresidencyon thelanditself inorder to obtaineventual ownership.

  (A) In feudal Europe,urban areasdevelopedfromclusters of houses where peasants lived and commutedto farmlands in thecountryside,unlike homesteading policies inthe American West that

  (B) In feudalEurope, urban areas developedfromclusters of houses where peasants lived and fromwhichtheycommuted to farmlands in the countryside,but in the American West homesteading policies

  (C) Unlike feudal Europewhereurban areasdevelopedfromclustersof houses wherepeasants lived andcommuted to farmlands inthe countryside,the American West’ shomesteadingpolicies

  (D) Unlike feudalEurope whereurban areas developed fromclusters of houses wherepeasants lived andcommuted to farmlands inthe countryside,the homesteading policies of the American West

  (E) Urban areas developedfromclusters of houses where peasantslived from which theycommuted to farmlands inthe countryside in feudal Europe, unlikethe American West wherehomesteading policies

  379.In good years, thepatchwork of greenfields that surround theSan Joaquin V alley town bustles with farmworkers, manyof theminthe areajust for theseason.

  (A) surround theSan Joaquin V alleytown bustleswith farmworkers, many of them

  (B) surrounds theSan Joaquin V alleytown bustleswith farmworkers, many of whom are

  (C) surround the San Joaquin V alleytown bustles with farmworkers, many of who are

  (D) surround theSan Joaquin V alleytown bustlewith farmworkers, manyof which

  (E) surrounds the San Joaquin V alleytown bustles with farmworkers, manyare

  380.In her recentlypublished study ,Rubinasserts that mostwomendo not suffer from the “emptynestsyndrome”; theyare,in fact, relieved when their children depart.

  (A) theyare,in fact,relieved when theirchildren depart

  (B) and theyare, in fact, relievedwhentheirchildrendeparted

  (C) theyare,in fact, relieved when their children departed

  (D) infact,theyarerelieved when theirchildren departed

  (E) theyare relievedat thedepartureof the children,in fact






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