





2018-07-06 09:52:00来源:网络




  436.IRS provision 254-B requires that an S corporation withassetsof greaterthan $200,000 send W-2 forms to their full- and part-timeemployees on or beforeJan.31.

  (A) that anScorporationwith assets of greaterthan $200,000 send W-2 formsto theirfull- andpart-time employeeson or before Jan. 31

  (B) an S corporationwith assets of greater than$200,000 send W-2 forms to their full- andpart-timeemployeeson or before Jan. 31

  (C) thatan S corporationwith assets of greater than$200,000 send W-2 forms to its full-and part-timeemployeeson or before Jan. 31

  (D) anScorporationwith assets of greaterthan $200,000 send W-2 formsto their full- andpart-timeemployeeson Jan. 31 or before

  (E) an S corporation withassets of greaterthan $200,000 send W-2 forms toits full- andpart-timeemployeeson or before Jan. 31

  437.It appearsillogicalto some people that WestGermany , whichbans such seeming lesser evilsaslawn-mowingon Sundays,stillhas some4,000 milesof highway with no speed limit.

  (A) whichbans suchseeming lesserevils as

  (B) which bans such seeminglylesser evils as

  (C) which is banningsuchseeming lesserevils like

  (D) banning such evilsthat seemlesser , for example

  (E) banningsuchseeming lesserevils like

  438.It has beenestimated that theannualcost to theUnited States of illiteracyinlost industrial outputand taxrevenues is atleast $20 billiona year.

  (A) the annualcost to the UnitedStates of illiteracyin lost industrialoutput and tax revenues is at least $20 billiona year

  (B) the annual cost of illiteracyto theUnited States is atleast $20 billiona year because of lostindustrial outputand taxrevenues

  (C) illiteracycosts theUnited States at least $20 billiona year inlost industrial output andtax revenues

  (D) $20 billiona yearin lost industrial output and taxrevenues is theannualcost to theUnited States of illiteracy

  (E) lost industrialoutput andtax revenuescost the United Statesat least $20 billion a yearbecauseof illiteracy

  439.It is a special featureof cellaggregation in the developing nervous systemthat in most regions of thebrainthe cells not onlyadhere toone anotherand also adopt somepreferential orientation.

  (A) toone anotherand also adopt

  (B) one to theother,and also theyadopt

  (C) one to theother,but also adopting

  (D) toone anotherbut also adopt

  (E) to each other ,also adopting

  440.It is an oversimplified view of cattle raisingto saythat allone has to do with cattleis leavethemalone whiletheyfeed themselves, corralthem,and to drive themto market when thetimeis ripe.

  (A) all onehas to do with cattleis leave themalonewhile theyfeed themselves, corralthem,and to

  (B) allone has to do withcattle is toleavethemalone tofeed themselves, to corralthem,and

  (C) allone has to do withcattle is leave themalone whiletheyfeedthemselves and thencorral themand

  (D) the onlything thathas to be donewith cattleis leavethemalonewhile they feed themselves, corral them, and

  (E) theonlythingthathas to be done withcattle is toleavethemalonewhile they feed themselves, tocorralthem, and






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