





2018-07-07 09:52:00来源:网络




  451.It was an increase in reported cases of malariaalongthe Gulf Coast that in1921 led thehealth authorities’ grantinga permit for experimentationwith human subjects tothe group that later would becalled bythename ofUnimedco.

  (A) authorities’ grantinga permit for experimentation with humansubjectsto the group thatlaterwould be calledbythe nameof

  (B) authorities’ granting a permitfor experimentation withhuman subjects to the group thatlaterto be calledbythe name of

  (C) authorities’ granting a permitfor experimentation using humansubjectsto the group thatlaterwould be called by the name of

  (D) authorities to granta permit for humanexperimentationto thegroup later called

  (E) authoritiesto granta permitfor humanexperimentation tothe group that later would be called by the name of

  452.It was because she was plaguedbyinjuries thattennis celebrity Tracy Austin, who won theItalian and U.S. Opens at age16 in 1979, sat out the years between 1984 to 1988, occasionallyworkingas a television commentator .

  (A) Itwas because she was plagued byinjuries that tennis celebrity Tracy Austin, who won theItalian and U.S. Opens at age16 in 1979, sat out the years between

  (B) After winningthe Italianand U.S. Opens in 1979 at theage of 16, injuries plaguedtennis celebrity Tracy Austinand forced herto sit outfrom

  (C) Tracy Austin,the tennis celebritywho, plaguedbyinjuries, won the Italian and U.S. Opens atage 16 in 1979, satout from

  (D) Plagued byinjuries, tenniscelebrity Tracy Austin, who won the Italianand U.S. Opens at age16 in 1979, sat out the years from

  (E) T ennis celebrity Tracy Austin,who won the Italianand U.S. Opens atage 16 in 1979, was plagued by injuries when she sat out between

  453.It was the loss of revenuefromdeclines in tourismthat in 1935 ledtheSaudi authorities’ granting a concession for oilexploration to thecompanythatwould laterbe known bythe name of Aramco.

  (A) authorities’ grantinga concessionfor oil explorationto thecompanythat wouldlaterbe known bythe name of

  (B) authorities’ granting a concession for oilexploration to thecompanylaterto be known as named

  (C) authorities granting a concession for oilexploration to thecompanythat would later be known bythe name of

  (D) authorities to granta concessionfor oil explorationto thecompanythat later will beknown as being

  (E) authoritiesto granta concession for oilexploration tothe companylater tobe known as

  454.Japan received hugesums of capitalfromtheUnited States afterthe Second World War ,usingit tohelp build a modernindustrialsystem.

  (A) Japanreceivedhuge sumsof capitalfromtheUnited States afterthe Second World War ,usingit tohelp build

  (B) Japan received hugesums of capitalfromtheUnited States afterthe Second World War andusedit tohelp in building

  (C) Japan used the hugesums of capital itreceived from the UnitedStates after the Second World War to helpbuild

  (D) Japan’shuge sumsof capital receivedfromtheUnited States afterthe Second World War wereused tohelp it in building

  (E) Receivinghuge sums of capital fromthe UnitedStates after theSecond World War ,Japan used itto help build

  455.JoachimRaff and GiacomoMeyerbeer areexamples of thekind of composer who receives popular acclaimwhileliving, often goes intodecline after death, and never regains popularityagain.

  (A) often goes intodecline afterdeath,and never regains popularityagain

  (B) whose reputationdeclines afterdeathand never regains its status again

  (C) but whosereputation declines after deathand neverregains itsformer status

  (D) who declines inreputation afterdeathand who never regained popularity again

  (E) thenhas declined in reputationafterdeathand never regained popularity







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    来源 : 网络 2021-01-25 13:26:00 关键字 : GMAT语法 GMAT



