





2018-07-17 10:50:26来源:网络




  496.Manifestations of Islamicpolitical militancyinthe firstperiod of religious reformismwere the riseof the Wahhabis in Arabia, the Sanusi in Cyrenaica,the Fulani inNigeria,the Mahdi inthe Sudan, and the victoryof theUsuli “mujtahids”in ShiiteIran and Iraq.

  (A) Manifestationsof Islamicpoliticalmilitancyin thefirst periodof religious reformismwere the riseof the Wahhabis in Arabia, the Sanusi in Cyrenaica, the Fulani in Nigeria, theMahdi in theSudan, and

  (B) Manifestations of Islamicpolitical militancyinthe firstperiod of religious reformismwere shown inthe rise of the Wahhabis in Arabia, theSanusiin Cyrenaica, theFulani inNigeria,the Mahdi inthe Sudan, andalso

  (C) In the firstperiod of religious reformism, manifestations of Islamicpolitical militancywere therise of the Wahhabis in Arabia,of the Sanusi in Cyrenaica, theFulani inNigeria,the Mahdi inthe Sudan, and

  (D) In the first periodof religious reformism,manifestationsof Islamicpolitical militancywere shown inthe riseof the Wahhabis in Arabia, theSanusi in Cyrenaica, theFulani inNigeria,the Mahdi inthe Sudan, and

  (E) In thefirst periodof religiousreformism, Islamicpoliticalmilitancywas manifested inthe rise of the Wahhabis in Arabia, theSanusiin Cyrenaica, the Fulani in Nigeria, and the Mahdi inthe Sudan, and in

  497.Manyinvestors base their choice between bonds and stocks on comparing bond yields to the dividends availableon commonstocks.

  (A) between bonds and stocks on comparing bond yields to

  (B) among bonds and stocks on comparisons of bond yields to

  (C) betweenbonds and stocks on comparisons of bond yields with

  (D) among bonds and stocks on comparing bond yieldsand

  (E) betweenbonds and stocks on comparingbond yields with

  498.Manyof themchiseledfromsolid rockcenturies ago, themountainous regions of northern Ethiopiaare dotted withhundreds of monasteries.

  (A) Manyof themchiseled fromsolid rock centuries ago,the mountainous regions of northernEthiopia aredottedwith hundreds of monasteries.

  (B) Chiseledfromsolid rockcenturiesago, the mountainous regionsof northern Ethiopia aredottedwith manyhundreds of monasteries.

  (C) Hundreds of monasteries, manyof themchiseled from solidrock centuries ago, aredottingthe mountainous regions of northernEthiopia.

  (D) Themountainous regions of northernEthiopia aredottedwith hundreds of monasteries, manyof whichare chiseled fromsolidrock centuries ago.

  (E) The mountainous regionsof northern Ethiopiaare dotted withhundreds of monasteries, manyof themchiseled fromsolid rock centuries ago.

  499.Manypolicyexperts saythatshiftinga portionof health-benefitcosts back tothe workers helpsto controlthe employer ’ scosts, but also helps to limitmedical spending bymakingpatients morecarefulconsumers.

  (A) helps to controltheemployer ’ s costs, but alsohelps

  (B) helps thecontrolof the employer ’ scosts, and also

  (C) not onlyhelps to controltheemployer ’ s costs, but alsohelps

  (D) helps to controlnot onlythe employer ’ scosts, but

  (E) not onlyhelps to control theemployer’ s costs, andalso helps

  500.Manypsychologists and sociologists now contend that thedeliberateand even

  brutalaggression integral tosomeformsof competitive athletics increase the

  likelihood of imitativeviolence that erupts amongcrowds of spectators

  dominated byyoung adult males.

  (A) increase the likelihoodof imitative violencethat erupts

  (B) increasethe likelihoodthattherewill bean eruptionof imitative violence

  (C) increasethe likelihoodof imitative violenceerupting

  (D) increases thelikelihood for imitativeviolence toerupt

  (E) increases the likelihoodthatimitative violencewill erupt







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