





2018-08-07 20:08:49来源:网络




  656.Some analystscontend that truecapitalismexists onlywhenthe ownership of both propertyand themeans of production is regardedas aninalienable rightof an individual’ s,and itis not a license grantedbygovernment and revokable at whim.

  (A) is regarded as an inalienableright of anindividual’ s, and it is not

  (B) are regarded as individuals’ inalienablerights, and that itnot be

  (C) is regardedas anindividual’ s inalienableright, notas

  (D) areregardedas an individual’ s inalienablerights, not when theyare

  (E) is regardedas the inalienablerights of an individual,not when itis

  657.Some analystsof retirementproblems insistthatthe onlywaytoprovide equity and protectionfor all Americansis to amalgamateallretirement-incomesystems, including SocialSecurity ,intoone central system.

  (A) insistthatthe onlywayto provide equityandprotection for all Americans is to amalgamate

  (B) have insistedthe onlywayequityand protection canbe providedfor all Americansis amalgamating

  (C) insist theonlywayto provideequityand protectionfor all Americansis the amalgamation of

  (D) areinsistentthatthe onlywayequityand protection canbe providedfor all Americansis the amalgamationof

  (E) insist that theonlywayfor theprovision of equityand protectionfor all Americansis to amalgamate

  658.Some analystspoint outthatbecause people arebecomingaccustomed to asteady inflation rate of four tofive percent, businesses found thattheycouldraise prices accordingto thisamount without therebyprovoking strong public reaction.

  (A) found that theycouldraise pricesaccordingto this amount withoutthereby provoking

  (B) found thattheywere capableof raising prices bythis amount and notprovoke

  (C) find that theyare capable of raising pricesbythis amountand not provoke

  (D) arefindingthattheycanraise pricesbythis amountwithoutprovoking

  (E) arefinding that theycan raiseprices according tothis amountand willnot therebyprovoke

  659.Some batcaves, like honeybeehives, haveresidents thattakeon differentduties such as defending the entrance, acting as sentinels and tosound awarningat the approachof danger, and scouting outsidethe cavefor new food and roosting sites.

  (A) actingas sentinels andto sound

  (B) actingas sentinels and sounding

  (C) to actas sentinels and sound

  (D) toactas sentinels andto sound

  (E) to act as a sentinelsounding

  660.Some biographers have notonlydisputedthe common notionthatEdgar Allan Poe drank to excess butalso questionedwhether hedrank at all.

  (A) havenot onlydisputed thecommonnotion that Edgar AllanPoe drank to excess but also questioned whetherhe drank

  (B) not onlyhavedisputedthe common notionthatEdgar Allan Poe drank to excess but also overwhether he drank

  (C) have disputednot onlythe common notionthatEdgar Allan Poe drank to excess but also whetherhe maynot have drunk

  (D) notonlyhavedisputed thecommonnotion that Edgar AllanPoe drank to excess but also questioned whetheror not he haddrunk

  (E) havedisputed thecommonnotion notonlythatEdgar AllanPoedrank to excess but also questioned whetherhe may not have drunk







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