





2018-08-07 20:10:08来源:网络




  661.Some buildings thatwere destroyed andheavilydamagedin theearthquake last year were constructed inviolation of thecity’ sbuildingcode.

  (A) Somebuildings that weredestroyedand heavilydamagedin the earthquake last yearwere

  (B) Some buildings thatwere destroyed or heavilydamagedin theearthquakelast year hadbeen

  (C) Some buildings thatthe earthquakedestroyed and heavilydamagedlast year have been

  (D) Last yearthe earthquake destroyedor heavilydamaged some buildings that have been

  (E) Lastyear some of the buildings thatwere destroyed or heavilydamagedin the earthquake had been

  662.Some historians of sciencehave arguedthat science moves forwardnot so much because of the insights of great thinkers but becauseofmore mundane developments, such as improvedtools andtechnologies.

  (A) because of theinsights of greatthinkers butbecause of

  (B) because of the insights of great thinkers as the resultof

  (C) because of the insights of great thinkers as because of

  (D) throughthe insights of greatthinkers but through

  (E) through the insights of great thinkers but resultfrom

  663.Some of thetenth-centurystavechurches of Norwayare still standing, demonstrating that withsound design andmaintenance,wooden buildingscan last indefinitely.

  (A) standing, demonstratingthat withsound designand maintenance, wooden buildings canlastindefinitely

  (B) standing, demonstratinghow wooden buildings, when theyhave sound design and maintenance, canlast indefinitely

  (C) standing;theydemonstrateif a wooden building has sound design and maintenance itcan lastindefinitely

  (D) standing, and theydemonstrate wooden buildings can lastindefinitelywhen thereis sound designand maintenance

  (E) standing,and theydemonstratehow a wooden buildingcan lastindefinitely when it has sound design and main tenance

  664.Some psychiatricstudies indicatethat among distinguished artists the rates of manicdepression and major depressionare tento thirteen times as prevalentas in the populationat large.

  (A) the ratesof manicdepression and major depression areten tothirteen times as prevalent as in

  (B) the rates of manic depression and major depressionare tento thirteentimes more prevalentthan in

  (C) the rates of manic depression and major depressionare tento thirteentimes more prevalentwhencomparedto

  (D) manicdepressionand major depression areten tothirteen times as prevalent whencomparedto

  (E) manic depression andmajordepression are tento thirteentimesmore prevalent thanin

  665.Some scientists have beencritical of thelaboratorytests conducted bytheFederal Drug Administration on the grounds thatthe amounts of suspected carcinogens fed to animals far exceeds those thathumans couldconsume.

  (A) farexceeds thosethathumans could consume

  (B) exceeds byfarthose humans canconsume

  (C) far exceeds those humans areableto consume

  (D) exceed byfarthose ableto be consumedbyhumans

  (E) far exceed thosethathumans could consume






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