





2018-08-09 20:05:00来源:网络




  726.The delinquencyrates on mortgages for officebuildings, hotels, shopping malls, and othercommercialproperties held bythenation’ s insurancecompanies in recentmonths haveincreasedsharply ,leading topredictions thatforeclosures on these typesof loan coulddouble overthe nextthreeyears.

  (A) inrecentmonths haveincreasedsharply ,leading topredictions that foreclosures on thesetypes of loancould doubleover thenext threeyears

  (B) have increased sharplyin recentmonths, leading topredictions that foreclosures on thesetypes of loans coulddouble overthe nextthreeyears

  (C) have increased sharplyin recentmonths, leading topredictions thatdoubling of foreclosures on thesetypes of loans couldoccur overthe nextthreeyears

  (D) has increased sharplyin recent months, andlead topredictions thatover the next three years doubling of foreclosures on this type of loancouldoccur

  (E) in recentmonths has increasedsharply ,and this leads topredictions that foreclosures on that typeof loan inthe nextthreeyears could double

  727.The demand for airplanemechanics is expected togrow aboutten percent ayear in thenext decade, largelybecause new federalrules callingfor major modificationsto olderplanes andbecause theairlines are adding hundreds of new jets.

  (A) new federal rules calling for major modifications to olderplanes

  (B) new federalrules, which call for major modifications toolder planes

  (C) new federalrules call for major modifications to olderplanes

  (D) major modifications toolder planes called for bynew federal rules

  (E) major modifications to olderplanes arecalled for according tonew federal rules

  728.The department definesa privatepassenger vehicle as one registeredto an individual witha gross weightof less than 8,000 pounds.

  (A) as oneregisteredto an individualwith a gross weight of less than8,000 pounds

  (B) to be onethatis registeredto an individualwith a gross weight of less than 8,000 pounds

  (C) as one thatis registeredto anindividual and that has a gross weight of less than 8,000 pounds

  (D) tohave agross weight less than8,000 pounds and being registeredto an individual

  (E) as havinga gross weightof less than 8,000 pounds and registered toan individual

  729.The development of a new jumborocketthatis expected to carrythe United States into its nextphase of spaceexploration willbe ableto deliver aheavier load of instruments intoorbitthan thespace shuttle and ata lower cost.

  (A) Thedevelopmentof a new jumbo rocket that is expectedto carrytheUnited States into its nextphase of spaceexploration willbe ableto deliver a heavierload of instruments into orbitthan thespace shuttle and at a lower cost.

  (B) The developmentof a new jumborocketis expectedto carrythe United States into its nextphase of spaceexploration and beable todelivera heavierload of instruments into orbitat alower cost thanthe spaceshuttle.

  (C) The new developmentof a jumborocket,whichis expected tocarrythe United States intoits nextphaseof space exploration,will beable todeliver a heavier loadof instrumentsinto orbitata lower cost thanthe spaceshuttle.

  (D) Anewlydeveloped jumbo rocket,which is expected tocarrytheUnited States into its nextphase of spaceexploration, willbe ableto deliver a heavierload of instruments into orbitthan thespace shuttle can,and ata

  lower cost.

  (E) Anewlydevelopedjumborocket,whichis expected to carrytheUnited States into its next phaseof spaceexploration, will be able todelivera heavier load of instruments into orbit thanthe spaceshuttleand to cost less.

  730.The diet of theordinaryGreekin classical times was largelyvegetarian— vegetables, fresh cheese,oatmeal, and mealcakes, andmeatrarely.

  (A) andmeatrarely

  (B) and meat was rare

  (C) with meat as rare

  (D) meata rarity

  (E) with meatas a rarity







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