





2018-08-11 20:01:00来源:网络




  781.The modernization programfor thesteel millwill costapproximately51 million dollars, whichit is hopedcan be completed in thelate 1980’ s.

  (A) Themodernizationprogramfor the steelmill willcost approximately51 million dollars, which itis hoped canbe completedin thelate1980’ s.

  (B) The modernization programfor the steel mill,hopefullycompleted inthe late 1980’ s, will costapproximately51 million dollars.

  (C) Modernizingthe steel mill, hopefullytobe completedin thelate1980’ s, will cost approximately51 milliondollars.

  (D) Theprogramfor modernizingthe steel mill,whichcan, it is hoped, be completedin the late1980’ s and cost approximately51 milliondollars.

  (E) Modernizingthesteel mill,a programthat can,itis hoped, be completedin the late1980’ s, will cost approximately51 million dollars.

  782.The mostcommonreasons for anemployee’ s unwillingness to accept atransfer are that mortgage rates are high,housingin thenew location costs more,and the difficultyof selling theold home.

  (A) that mortgagerates arehigh, housing in thenew location costs more,and the difficultyof selling theold home

  (B) thatmortgagerates arehigh, housing inthe new locationcosts more, and that it is difficultto sellthe oldhome

  (C) high mortgage rates, the greater costof housingin thenew location, and that the oldhome is difficultto sell

  (D) highmortgagerates, the greater cost of housing inthe new location,and itis difficult tosell theold home

  (E) high mortgagerates, thegreatercost of housing in thenew location, andthe difficultyof selling theold home

  783.The mostfavorablelocations for the growth of glaciers, rather thanbeing the cold, drypolarregions, would be instead thecool, moist middle latitudes, where thereis abundant precipitationand where itis coldenough to allow somesnow to accumulate yearbyyear .

  (A) glaciers,rather thanbeingthe cold,drypolar regions,wouldbe insteadthe cool, moist middle latitudes

  (B) glaciers are notthe cold,drypolar regions but thecool, moistmiddle latitudes

  (C) glaciers are thecool,moist middle latitudes ratherthan thecold,drypolar regions

  (D) glaciers,instead of beingthecold, drypolarregions, would be thecool, moist middle latitudes

  (E) glaciers are,insteadof the cold,drypolar regions,rather thecool,moist middle latitudes

  784.The nation’ s three militaryacademieshave seen a dramatic rise inapplications, one fueledbya resurgenceof patriotism, increasing tuitioncosts at private colleges, and improved recruitingbythe academies.

  (A) onefueledbya resurgence of patriotism,increasingtuition costs atprivate colleges, and improved recruitingbythe academies

  (B) one fueledbya resurgenceof patriotism, tuitioncosts that haveincreasedat privatecolleges, and academies improvingtheirrecruiting

  (C) one fueledbya resurgenceof patriotism, private colleges that increased their tuition costs, and recruitingimprovements bytheacademies

  (D) fueled byaresurgence of patriotism,tuitioncosts increasingatprivate colleges, and academiesimprovingtheirrecruiting

  (E) fueledbya resurgenceof patriotism, increasing tuitioncosts at private colleges, and academiesimprovingtheirrecruiting

  785.The National Labor Relations Act expresslyforbids unions fromengaging in secondaryboycotts againstcompanies not directlyinvolved ina labordispute.

  (A) unions fromengagingin

  (B) the engagement byunions of

  (C) unions to engagein

  (D) unions frombecomingengagedwith

  (E) that unions engageupon







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