





2018-08-11 20:01:00来源:网络




  801.The pattern of whisker spot on thefaceof a male lion, likehuman fingerprints, are alifelongmeans of identification, sincetheyareboth uniqueand unchanging.

  (A) like humanfingerprints, are alifelongmeans of identification, sincetheyare both uniqueand unchanging

  (B) likehuman fingerprints, is a lifelongmeans of identification,since it is both unique andunchanging

  (C) likehuman fingerprints, is a means of identificationfor life,being both unique andunchanging

  (D) sincetheyare both uniqueand unchanging, are,like human fingerprints, are a means of identification for life

  (E) both unique and unchanging, are,likehuman fingerprints, a lifelongmeans of identification

  802.The peaks of amountainrange, actinglikerocks ina streambed, produceripples in theair flowingover them:theresultingflow pattern,with crests andtroughs thatremainstationaryalthoughtheair that forms themis movingrapidly ,are known as “standing waves.”

  (A) crestsand troughs thatremainstationaryalthough theair that forms themis moving rapidly ,are

  (B) crests and troughs that remain stationaryalthough theyare formed byrapidly moving air , are

  (C) crests and troughs that remain stationaryalthough theairthat forms themis moving rapidly ,is

  (D) stationarycrests and troughs althoughhe airthatformsthemis moving rapidly ,are

  (E) stationarycrests andtroughs althoughtheyareformed byrapidlymovingair , is

  803.The periodwhen the great painted caves at Lascaux and Altamira were occupied byUpperPaleolithicpeople has been established bycarbon-14 dating,but what is much moredifficult todetermine are the reasonfor their decoration,the use to which primitivepeopleput thecaves, and themeaning of themagnificently

  depicted animals.

  (A) has beenestablished bycarbon-14 dating, butwhatis muchmore difficultto determineare

  (B) has been established bycarbon-14 dating,but what is muchmore difficultto determineis

  (C) have beenestablishedbycarbon-14 dating, butwhatis much more difficult to determineis

  (D) havebeen establishedbycarbon-14 dating,but whatis much moredifficult to determineare

  (E) areestablishedbycarbon-14 dating, but that whichis much moredifficult to determineis

  804.The physical structureof thehuman eyeenables it to sense light of wavelengths up to 0.0005 millimeters; infraredradiation, however , is invisiblebecause its wavelength—0.1millimeters—is toolong to beregisteredbythe eye.

  (A) infrared radiation,however , is invisible because its wavelength—0.1 millimeters—is toolong to be registered by the eye

  (B) however , thewavelengthof infraredradiation—0.1 millimeters—istoo long to be registered bythe eyemaking it invisible

  (C) infraredradiation, however , is invisiblebecause its wavelength—0.1 millimeters—is toolong for theeyeto register it

  (D) however,because the wavelength of infraredradiation is 0.1 millimeters, itis too long for the eyeto registerand thus invisible

  (E) however , infrared radiationhas a wavelength of 0.1 millimetersthat is too long for theeyetoregister ,thus making it invisible

  805.The plotof The Bostonians centers on the rivalrybetween Olive Chancellor ,an active feminist, withher charming and cynicalcousin, BasilRansom, whenthey find themselves drawn to the sameradiantyoungwomanwhosetalent for public speaking has won her an ardent following.

  (A) rivalrybetween OliveChancellor , anactivefeminist, withher charmingand cynical cousin, Basil Ransom

  (B) rivals OliveChancellor ,an active feminist, against hercharmingand cynical cousin, BasilRansom

  (C) rivalrythatdevelops betweenOlive Chancellor , an activefeminist,and Basil Ransom, her charming andcynical cousin

  (D) developingrivalrybetween OliveChancellor , anactive feminist, withBasil Ransom, her charming andcynical cousin

  (E) activefeminist,Olive Chancellor ,and therivalrywith her charming and cynical cousin Basil Ransom






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