





2018-08-13 20:01:00来源:网络




  836.The technical term“pagination” is aprocess that leaves editors,instead of printers, assemble thepage images that becomethemetal or plastic plates used in printing.

  (A) is aprocess that leaves editors, insteadof printers, assemble

  (B) refers to aprocess that allows editors, ratherthanprinters, to assemble

  (C) is a process leaving theeditors, rather thanprinters, toassemble

  (D) refersto a process which allows editors, but notto printers, the assemblyof

  (E) has reference tothe process leaving toeditors, insteadof theprinter, assembling

  837.The themes that RitaDove explores inher poetry is universal,encompassing much of thehumanconditionwhile occasionallydealswith racialissues.

  (A) is universal, encompassing muchof the humancondition whileoccasionally deals

  (B) is universal,encompassing muchof thehuman condition, alsooccasionallyit deals

  (C) are universal, theyencompass muchof the humancondition and occasionally deals

  (D) areuniversal,encompassingmuch of thehuman conditionwhile occasionally dealing

  (E) areuniversal, theyencompass much of thehuman condition, also occasionallyaredealing

  838.The underlying physical principles that control themidairgyrations of divers and gymnasts arethe same as the bodyorientation controllingastronauts ina weightless environment.

  (A) as thebodyorientationcontrolling

  (B) as the bodyorientation which controls

  (C) as those controllingthe bodyorientationof

  (D) ones tocontrolthe bodyorientation of

  (E) ones used in controllingthe bodyorientation of

  839.The UnitedStates governmentemploys amuch largerproportion of womenin tradenegotiations thanany government.

  (A) amuch largerproportionof womenin trade negotiationsthan any

  (B) a muchlarger proportionof women intrade negotiations than does anyother

  (C) much larger proportions of womenin tradenegotiations thanhas any

  (D) proportions of women in trade negotiations thatare muchlarger thanany

  (E) proportions of womenin tradenegotiations that aremuch larger thanany other

  840.The UnitedStates petroleumindustry’ s costto meetenvironmental regulations is projected atten percentof the priceper barrel of refinedpetroleumbytheend of the decade.

  (A) TheUnited States petroleumindustry’ scost to meetenvironmental regulations is projected at tenpercentof the price per barrel of refined petroleumbytheend of thedecade.

  (B) The UnitedStates petroleumindustry’ s cost bytheend of thedecadeto meet environmentalregulations is estimatedat tenpercent of theprice perbarrel of refinedpetroleum.

  (C) Bythe endof the decade, theUnited States petroleumindustry’ scost of meeting environmental regulationsis projected atten percent of thepriceper barrelof refined petroleum.

  (D) T o meet environmental regulations,the cost tothe UnitedStates petroleum industryis estimatedat ten percent of thepriceper barrelof refined petroleumbytheend of thedecade.

  (E) It is estimated that bytheend of thedecadethe cost tothe UnitedStates petroleumindustryof meeting environmental regulations will be tenpercent of the price per barrel of refined petroleum.







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