





2018-08-14 16:19:00来源:网络




  866.Tinyquantitiesof more thanthirtyrare gases, most of themindustrialbyproducts, threaten to warm the Earth’ s atmosphere even more rapidly than carbon dioxideduring thenext fiftyyears.

  (A) towarmtheEarth’ satmosphereeven morerapidlythan carbondioxide during thenext fiftyyears

  (B) to warm theEarth’ s atmosphereeven more rapidlyover thenext fiftyyears than carbon dioxide will

  (C) during thenext fiftyyears to warmthe Earth’ s atmosphere evenmore rapidly than carbon dioxide

  (D) awarming of theEarth’ s atmosphereduring thenext fiftyyears evenmore rapid thancarbon dioxide’ s

  (E) a warmingof theEarth’ s atmosphereeven morerapid thancarbon dioxide’ s will beover the next fifty years

  867.T o comparethe lightning-fast genius of playwright T omStoppard withthe pedest rian efforts of some of his contemporaries is to compare theexquisite bouquet of afine wine with that of or dinary grape juice.

  (A) T o compare thelightning-fast geniusof playwright T omStoppard with the pedestrianefforts of some of his contemporaries is to compare theexquisite bouquet of afine wine withthatof ordinarygrapejuice.

  (B) T o comparethe lightning-fastgenius of playwright T omStoppard with the pedestrianefforts of some of his contemporaries is comparing theexquisite bouquet of afine wine withthatof ordinarygrapejuice.

  (C) Comparingthe lightning-fast genius of playwright T omStoppard with the pedestrianefforts of some of his contemporaries is to compare theexquisite bouquet of afine wine with ordinary grape juice.

  (D) Comparing thelightning-fastgenius of playwright T omStoppard with the pedestrianefforts of some of his contemporaries is likecomparingthe exquisitebouquetof a fine winewith ordinary grape juice.

  (E) T o comparethe lightning-fast genius of playwright T omStoppardwith the pedestrianefforts of some of his contemporaries is to compare afine wine’ s bouquet withordinarygrapejuice’ s bouquet.

  868.T o ensure consistentlyhigh qualityin its merchandise,the chainof retail stores becameinvolved in everyaspectof theirsuppliers’ operations, dictatingnot only the numberof stitches and thewidth of thehemin everygarment as wellas the profit margins of those suppliers.

  (A) their suppliers’ operations, dictating notonlythenumber of stitches and the width of the hemin every garment as wellas

  (B) its suppliers’ operations, dictating not onlythe numberof stitches and the width of thehemineverygarment as wellas

  (C) theirsuppliers’ operations, dictatingnot onlythenumber of stitches and the width of thehemineverygarment butalso

  (D) its suppliers’ operations, dictatingnot onlythenumberof stitches and the width of the hemin every garment butalso

  (E) their suppliers’ operations, dictatingthenumber of stitches, thewidth of the hemin every garment, and

  869.T o help preserveancient Egyptian monuments threatenedbyhigh watertables,a Swedish engineeringfirmhas proposed installingpumps, perhaps solar powered, to lower theunderground water level and dig trenches aroundthe bases of the stone walls.

  (A) tolower theunderground water level anddig trenches

  (B) to lower theunderground waterleveland to digtrenches

  (C) to lower theunderground waterleveland diggingtrenches

  (D) that lowerthe underground waterleveland that trenches be dug

  (E) that lower theunderground water leveland trenchdigging

  870.T o maintain ahigh demandfor theirproduct, themanufacturers firsttook over the marketing andsales functions previouslyperformedbyoutside agents; next, they began changingtheir advertising campaigns monthlytokeep pace with therapid changes inconsumers’ lives.

  (A) theybeganchanging

  (B) this beganchanging

  (C) the formerbegan changing

  (D) tobegin changing

  (E) to change







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