





2018-08-17 14:52:00来源:网络




  956.Baker was perhaps not themost gifted soloistin the orchestra, butthe conductor felt what was lackingin his technical skillwas morethanmade up by thepassion with which heplayed the music.

  (A) whatwas lacking inhis technicalskill was morethan made up by

  (B) what he lacked intechnicalskill was morethan madeup by

  (C) whateverwas lacking inhis technicalskill was more than madeup by

  (D) whatever he lackedin technicalskillwas morethan made up for by

  (E) whateverhe lacked intechnicalskill he more thanmade up by

  957.Bylaw , a qualifiedphysiciancan onlyprescribe medicine, protectingthe public.

  (A) Bylaw , a qualifiedphysician canonlyprescribe medicine,protecting the public.

  (B) Bylaw , onlya qualified physician canprescribe medicine, protectingthe public.

  (C) Bylaw , onlya qualified physician canprescribe medicine which protects the public.

  (D) In orderto protect thepublic,bylaw a qualifiedphysicianonlycan prescribe medicine.

  (E) In order toprotectthe public, bylawonlya qualifiedphysiciancan prescribe medicine.

  958.Cartographershave long struggledwith theproblemof havingthe spherical Earth to draw on a flat sheetof paper.

  (A) having thesphericalEarthto draw on a flat sheetof paper

  (B) having aflatsheet of paperon whichto draw thesphericalEarth

  (C) how canone draw thesphericalEarthon a flatsheet of paper

  (D) how theycould use a flat sheetof paper todraw the spherical Earth

  (E) how to draw thesphericalEarthon a flatsheet of paper

  959.Child care alreadyasolidpartof the employeebenefits package atmany companies, more businesses are focusingon a newer familybenefitknown as eldercare, servicing for older dependents.

  (A) Child care

  (B) Withchildcare

  (C) Child care as

  (D) Being theChild care was

  (E) Withchildcare’ sbeing

  960.ConstanceHorner,chief of the UnitedStates government’ s personnelagency ,has recommended that theuse of anydangerous or illegal drug in thefiveyears prior to application for a job be grounds for not hiringan applicant.

  (A) the use of anydangerous or illegal drug inthe fiveyears prior toapplication for a job begrounds for nothiring anapplicant

  (B) anydangerous or illegal drug, if used inthe fiveyears prior toapplyingfor a job, should be grounds for not hiring an applicant

  (C) an applicant’ s useof anydangerous or illegaldrug in thefive yearsprior to applicationfor a job be grounds notto hirethem

  (D) anapplicant’ s use of anydangerous or illegaldrug in thefive years priorto applyingfor a job aregrounds that theynot behired

  (E) for fiveyears prior toapplying for ajob, an applicant’ s use of anydangerous or illegaldrug be grounds for not hiringthem






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