





2018-08-17 14:52:00来源:网络




  976.Seeking tospur science education, elementaryand secondaryschools will receive $25 million overthe nextten yearsfromtheNationalScienceFoundation to promotescience.

  (A) elementaryandsecondaryschools willreceive $25 millionover thenext ten years from the National Science Foundationto promote science

  (B) $25 million will be spentbythe National Science Foundation over thenext ten yearsto promote sciencein elementaryand secondaryschools

  (C) over thenext tenyears $25 millionwill bespenton elementaryand secondary schools bythe National ScienceFoundation for promoting science

  (D) the National Science Foundationis to spend $25 millionover thenext ten years for promotingsciencein elementaryandsecondaryschools

  (E) theNationalScienceFoundationwill spend $25 millionover thenext ten years to promote science inelementaryand secondaryschools

  977.Some archaeologists claimthatthe tabletsfound at Ebla couldforce a revision of currenttheories on the origins of Judaismand Christianity ,altermanyscriptural interpretations, make all current Bible translationsobsolete, and scholars maybe requiredto credit theOld T estament with greater historicalaccuracy.

  (A) scholarsmaybe required tocreditthe Old T estament withgreaterhistorical accuracy

  (B) crediting theOld T estamentwith greater historicalaccuracymaybe required of scholars

  (C) requirethatscholars are tocreditthe Old T estament withgreaterhistorical accuracy

  (D) creditingtheOld T estamentwith greater historicalaccuracymaybea scholarlyrequirement

  (E) requirescholars to creditthe Old T estament withgreaterhistorical accuracy

  978.T ektites, which mayhave beenpropelledto Earth from lunarvolcanoes, are much likethe volcanicglass obsidian, buttheir chemical composition is differentthan any terres triallava;theycontainfar less water than obsidiandoes and none of its characteristic microcrystals.

  (A) is different than anyterrestrial lava; theycontain

  (B) is differentthan anyterrestrial lava’ s, containing

  (C) is differentfromthat of anyterrestrial lava; theycontain

  (D) differsfromanyterrestriallavain containing

  (E) differs fromthat of anyterrestrial lava’ s, containing

  979.The failingof the book lies not in alack of attention toscientific detailbut in the depiction of scenes of life anddeath inthe marine world withemotional overtones thatreduce thecredibilityof the work.

  (A) the depictionof scenesof lifeand deathin themarineworldwith emotional overtones that

  (B) factthatit depicts marine world scenes of life and death as havingemotional overtones that

  (C) depiction of scenes of life anddeath inthe marine world, whose emotional overtones

  (D) depictionof marine world scenes of life and death, which haveemotional overtones andthus

  (E) factthatif depicts scenes of life and death in the marine world, whose emotionalovertones

  980.The Immigration Service now has the discretionarypowerto keep families united even though all their members do not meet the five-year residency requirement.

  (A) all their members do not meetthe five-year residencyrequirement

  (B) not all theirmembers meetthefive-yearresidencyrequirement

  (C) alltheirmembers havenot mettherequirementfor a five-yearresidency

  (D) notalltheirmembers haveresided for five years, a requirement

  (E) all theirmembers have notresided for fiveyears, as required






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  • GMAT语法的解答方法   

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  • GMAT语法练习的技巧   

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  • GMAT语法的核心考点   

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    来源 : 网络 2021-01-25 13:26:00 关键字 : GMAT语法 GMAT



