





2018-08-18 14:52:00来源:网络




  991. Vivien Thomas, who had no formal medical training, in struggling against overwhelming odds, he became a cardiac surgeon and eventually to receive an honorary doctorate from Johns Hopkins University .

  A) who had no formal medical training, in struggling against overwhelming odds, he became

  B) having had no formal medical training, in struggling against overwhelming odds to become

  C) who, having no formal medical training, he struggled against overwhelming odds in becoming

  D) who, having had no formal medical training and struggled against overwhelmingodds, became

  E) who had no formal medical training, struggled against overwhelming odds to become

  992. The yield of natural gas from Norway’s T roil gas field is expected to increase annually until the year 2005 and then to stabilize at six billion cubic feet a day, which will allow such an extraction rate at least for50years’ production.

  A) 2005 and then to stabilize at six billion cubic feet a day, which will allow such an extraction rate at least for

  B) 2005 and then to stabilize at six billion cubic feet a day, an extraction rate that willallow at least

  C) 2005 and then stabilizing at six billion cubic feet a day, with such an extraction rate at the least allowing

  D) 2005, then stabilizing at six billion cubic feet a day, allowing such an extraction rate for at least

  E) 2005, then stabilizing at six billion cubic feet a day, which will allow such an extractionrate forat least

  993In archaeology,there must be a balance between explanation of the value and workings of archaeology, revealing the mysteries of past and present cultures, and to promote respect for archaeological sites.

  A) between explanation of the value and workings of archaeology, revealing the mysteries of past and present cultures, and to promote

  B) among explaining the value and workings of archaeology, revealingthe mysteries of past and present cultures,andpromoting

  C) between explaining the value and workings of archaeology, revealing the mysteries of past and present cultures, and when promoting

  D) among explaining the value and workings of archaeology, the revelation of the mysteries of past and present cultures, and to promote

  E) between explaining archaeology’s value and workings, in the revealing the mysteries of past and present cultures, and in promoting

  994. According to a 1996 survey by the National Association of College an University Business Officers, more than three times as many independent institutions of higher education charge tuition and fees of under $8,000 a year than those that charge over $16,000.

  A) than those that charge

  B) than are charging

  C) than tocharge

  D) ascharge

  E) as those charging

  995. Nobody knows exactly how many languages there are in the world, partly because of the difficulty (of? ) distinguishing between a language and the sub-languages or dialects within it, but those who have tried tocounttypicallyhave foundaboutfive thousand.

  A) and the sub-languages or dialects within it, but those who have tried to count typicallyhave found

  B) and the sub-languages or dialects within them, with those who have tried countingtypically finding

  C) and the sub-languages or dialects within it, but those who have

  Tried countingittypically find

  D) or the sub-languages or dialects within them, but those who tried to count them typically found

  E) or the sub-languages or dialects within them, with those who have tried tocounttypicallyfinding







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