





2018-09-26 18:41:53来源:新东方


  来源:新东方 张馨月


  常见比较词: more/less/比较级… than


  the same as


  考 点


  The economy of China is Equally likely As that of Japan to avoid the recession. (WRONG)

  The economy of China is AS likely As that of Japan to avoid the recession. (RIGHT)

  The economy of China is More likely Rather than that of Japan to avoid the recession.


  The economy of China is More likely Compared with that of Japan to avoid the recession.


  The economy of China is More likely Than that of Japan to avoid the recession. (RIGHT)


  Beethoven's music, which broke a number of established ruleswith its structure and melodic form, is considered more revolutionary than Bach. (WRONG)

  Beethoven's music, which broke a number of established rules withits structure and melodic form, is considered more revolutionary than Bach’s. (RIGHT)



  729. Many utilities obtain most of their electric power from large coal and nuclear operations at costs that are sometimes two to three times higher as that of power from smaller, more efficient plants that can both make use of waste heat and take advantage of the current abundance of natural gas.

  A. two to three times higher as that of power from smaller,more efficient plants that can both

  B. higher by two to three times as that from smaller, moreefficient plants that both can

  C. two to three times higher than those for power fromsmaller, more efficient plants that can both

  D. between two to three times higher as those for power fromsmaller, more efficient plants that both can

  E. between two to three times higher than fromsmaller, more efficient plants thatthey can both


  A. two tothree times higher as that of powerfrom smaller, more efficient plants that can both

  B. higher by two tothree times as that fromsmaller, more efficient plants that both can

  C. two to three times higher thanthose for power from smaller, more efficient plants that can both

  D. between two to three times higher as those forpower from smaller, more efficient plants that both can

  E. between two to three times higher than from smaller,more efficient plants that they can both

  根据前面铺垫的语法点,ABD选项可以根据" 比较级+than "这个考点排除掉,因为三个选项均错用了" higher…as ";

  其次:通过对比CE不难发现E中用了between这个词,了解平行词的同学应该很容易把这个选项排除掉, 因为" between…and "也是一个平行的固定搭配;

  最后:和C对比,than后面少了" those ",那这个词加与不加有什么区别呢?


  I lost my cat, and I am looking for it. (指代前面" my cat ")

  My cat is cutter than that in the shelter. (指代 另外一只cat,但是注意已经不是" my cat "了)

  通过这两个例子大家应该可以很明显的看出来it &that的区别点,it指代的就是前面出现的那个,但是that指代前面的出现的同类但已经不是同一个来,同理可见they&those 的指代区别。

  这个题目里面的" costs ",但是这个costs 是" power from smaller, more efficient plants "的costs了,所以该题目在对比两个不同的" costs ",因而E中没用those的指代导致了比较对象的不一致.


  789.While many of thedinosaur fossils found recently in northeast China seem to provide evidence ofthe kinship between dinosaurs and birds, the wealth of enigmatic fossils seem more likely at this stage that they willinflame debates over the origin of birds rather than settle them.

  A. seem more likely at this stage that they will inflame debates over the origin of birds rather than

  B. seem more likely that it will inflame debates over the origin of birds at this stage than

  C. seems more likely to inflame debates on the origin of birds at this stage rather than

  D. seems more likely at this stage to inflame debates over the origin of birds than to

  E. seems more likely that it will inflame debates on the origin of birds at this stage than to


  A. seem more likely at this stage that they will inflame debates over the origin of birds rather than (more…over--WRONG)

  B. seem more likely that it will inflame debates over the origin of birds at this stage than

  C. seems more likely to inflame debates on the origin of birds at this stage rather than (more…rather than---WRONG)

  D. seems more likely at this stage to inflame debates over the origin of birds than to

  E. seems more likely that it will inflame debates on the origin of birds at this stage than to

  首先:可以通过主语是" the wealth of…" ,单数形式排除掉AB seem以及比较词的搭配错误排除C;

  其次:根据be likely to do & itis likely that 的用法排除掉E 选项,D中很对称的比较部分" to inflame "和" to settle "


  727. Because many ofAustralia’s marsupials, such as the koala, are cute and cuddly, as well as being biologically different than North American marsupials, they have attracted alot of attention after their discovery in the 1700s.

  A. being biologically different than North American marsupials, they have attracted a lot of attention after

  B. being biologically different from North American marsupials, they attracted a lot of attention since

  C. biologically different than North American marsupials, they attracted a lot of attention since

  D. biologically different than North American marsupials, they have attracted a lot of attention after

  E. biologically different from North American marsupials, they have attracted a lot of attention since



  A. beingbiologically different than North Americanmarsupials, they have attracted a lot of attention after

  B. being biologicallydifferent from North American marsupials, they attracted a lot of attention since

  C.biologically different than North Americanmarsupials, they attracted a lot of attention since

  D.biologically different than NorthAmerican marsupials, they have attracted a lot of attention after

  E. biologically different from NorthAmerican marsupials, they have attracted a lot of attention since

  首先:than 这个词的出现需要出现比较级的,例如higher, longer 等等,所以根据这一点可以排除 ABD,因为different 并不属于比较级。

  其次:通过对比BE选项可以发现比较明显的区别点在于B中多了一个GMAC很不喜欢的一个词" being ",因为和E比起来这个词会很wordy;

  此外,根据后面的since their discovery in the 1700s 时态可以判断出应该用现在完成时态,Finally, 根据" 最优 "原则,选出E;



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