





2019-08-21 16:34:00来源:网络


  9. Extinction is a process that can depend on a variety of ecological,geographical,and physiological variables.These variables affect different species of organisms in different ways,and should,therefore,yield a random pattern of extinctions.However, the fossil record shows that extinction occurs in a surprisingly definite pattern,with many species vanishing at the same time.

  Which of the following,if true,forms the best basis for at least a partial explanation of the patterned extinctions revealed by the fossil record?

  (A) Major episodes of extinction can result from widespread environmental disturbances that affect numerous different species.

  (B) Certain extinction episodes selectively affect organisms with particular sets of characteristics unique to their species.

  (C) Some species become extinct because of accumulated gradual changes in their local environments.

  (D) In geologically recent times,for which there is no fossil record.human intervention has changed the pattern of extinctions.

  (E) Species that are widely dispersed are the least likely to become extinct.

  10. Which of the following best completes the passage below?

  At a recent conference on environmental threats to the North Sea,most participating countries favored uniform controls on the quality of effluents,whether or not specific environmental damage could be attributed to a particular source of effluent. What must,of course,be shown,in order to avoid excessively restrictive controls,is that .

  (A) any uniform controls that are adopted are likely to be implemented without delay

  (B) any substance to be made subject to controls can actually cause environmental damage

  (C) the countries favoring uniform controls are those generating the largest quantities of effluents

  (D) all of any given pollutant that is to be controlled actually reaches the North Sea at present

  (E) environmental damage already inflicted on the North Sea is reversible

  11. Shelby Industries manufactures and sells the same gauges as Jones Industries.Employee wages account for forty percent of the cost of manufacturing gauges at both Shelby Industries and Jones Industries.Shelby Industries is seeking a competitive advantage over Jones Industries. Therefore,to promote this end,Shelby Industries should lower employee wages.

  Which of the following,if true,would most weaken the argument above?

  (A) Because they make a small number of precision instruments,gauge manufacturers cannot receive volume discounts on raw materials.

  (B) Lowering wages would reduce the quality of employee work,and this reduced quality would lead to lowered sales.

  (C) Jones Industries has taken away twenty percent of Shelby Industries’ business over the last year.

  (D) Shelby Industries pays its employees,on average,ten percent more than does Jones Industries.

  (E) Many people who work for manufacturing plants live in areas in which the manufacturing plant they work for is the only industry.

  12. Large national budget deficits do not cause large trade deficits.If they did,countries with the largest budget deficits would also have the largest trade deficits.In fact,when deficit figures are adjusted so that different countries are reliably comparable to each other, there is no such correlation.

  If the statements above are all true, which of the following can properly be inferred on the basis of them?

  (A) Countries with large national budget deficits tend to restrict foreign trade.

  (B) Reliable comparisons of the deficit figures of one country with those of another are impossible.

  (C) Reducing a country’s national budget deficit will not necessarily result in a lowering of any trade deficit that country may have.

  (D) When countries are ordered from largest to smallest in terms of population,the smallest countries generally have the smallest budget and trade deficits.

  (E) Countries with the largest trade deficits never have similarly large national budget deficits.

  13. A famous singer recently won a lawsuit against an advertising firm for using another singer in a commercial to evoke the famous singer’s well-known rendition of a certain song。As a result of the lawsuit,advertising firms will stop using imitators in commercials.Therefore,advertising costs will rise,since famous singers’ services cost more than those of their imitators.

  The conclusion above is based on which of the following assumptions?

  (A) Most people are unable to distinguish a famous singer’s rendition of a song from a good imitator’s rendition of the same song.

  (B) Commercials using famous singers are usually more effective than commercials using imitators of famous singers.

  (C) The original versions of some well.known songs are unavailable for use in commercials.

  (D) Advertising firms will continue to use imitators to mimic the physical mannerisms of famous singers.

  The advertising industry will use well-known renditions of songs in commercials.


本文关键字: GMAT逻辑 GMAT

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