





2014-09-03 20:58:52来源:网络


  21. Infringe verb

  [VN] (of an action, a plan, etc.) to break a law or rule: The material can be copied

  without infringing copyright. ◆ Two of the projects are deemed to infringe EU


  ~ (on / upon) sth to limit sb's legal rights: [VN] They said that compulsory identity

  cards would infringe civil liberties. ◆ [V] She refused to answer questions that

  infringed on her private affairs.

  infringement noun [U, C]: copyright infringement ◆ an infringement of liberty / rights

  22. Oblige verb

  [VN to inf][usually passive]to force sb to do sth, by law, because it is a duty, etc:

  Parents are obliged by law to send their children to school. ◆ I felt obliged to ask them

  to dinner. ◆ He suffered a serious injury that obliged him to give up work.

  ~ sb (by doing sth)

  ~ sb (with sth) to help sb by doing what they ask or what you know they want: [V] Call

  me if you need any help-I'd be happy to oblige. ◆ [VN] (formal) Would you oblige me

  with some information? ◆ Oblige me by keeping your suspicions to yourself.

  23. Confiscate verb

  [VN] to officially take sth away from sb, especially as a punishment: Their land was

  confiscated after the war. ◆ The teacher threatened to confiscate their Yo Yos if they

  kept playing in class.

  confiscation noun [U, C]: If found guilty of this crime they face heavy fines,

  confiscation of goods and even imprisonment.

  24. Convict verb[VN][often passive]~ sb (of sth) to decide and state officially in a

  court of law that sb is guilty of a crime: a convicted murderer ◆ He was convicted of

  fraud. ◆ There wasn't enough evidence to convict her. acquit

  Antonym: acquit

  25. Invalidate verb[VN]

  to prove that an idea, a story, an argument, etc. is wrong: This new piece of evidence

  invalidates his version of events.

  if you invalidate a document, contract, election, etc., you make it no longer legally or

  officially valid or acceptable

  Antonym: VALIDATE

  invalidation noun [U]

  26. Detain verb[VN]

  to keep sb in an official place, such as a police station, a prison or a hospital, and

  prevent them from leaving: One man has been detained for questioning.

  (formal) to delay sb or prevent them from going somewhere: I'm sorry-he'll be late;

  he's been detained at a meeting.

  27. Extenuate VERB:

  1.To conceal or make light of a fault or offense:

  explain away , gloss over , gloze (over), palliate, sleek over , whitewash.

  2.Archaic. To make physically thin or thinner

  28. Saddle verb[VN]

  To place a burden or heavy load on:

  burden¹ , charge , cumber , encumber , freight, lade , load, tax , weight.

  To force (another) to accept a burden:

  foist, impose , inflict . Informal : stick.

  29. Authorize verb

  1.To give authority to:

  accredit, commission , empower , enable, entitle, license , qualify .

  2.To give one's consent to:

  allow , approbate, approve, consent , endorse, let , permit, sanction. Informal : OK.

  30. Empower verb

  (formal) to give sb the power or authority to do sth

  Synonym: AUTHORIZE

  [VN to inf] The courts were empowered to impose the death sentence for certain

  crimes. [also VN]

  to give sb more control over their own life or the situation they are in: [VN] The

  movement actively empowered women and gave them confidence in themselves.

  [also VN to inf]

  empowerment noun [U]: the empowerment of the individual


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