





2014-09-05 13:12:15来源:网络


  181. Discharge verb

  from hospital / job

  [VN][usually passive]~ sb (from sth) to give sb official permission to leave a place or job;

  to make sb leave a job: Patients were being discharged from the hospital too early. ◆ She had

  discharged herself against medical advice. ◆ He was discharged from the army following his

  injury. ◆ She was discharged from the police force for bad conduct.

  from prison / court

  [VN][often passive]to allow sb to leave prison or a court of law: He was conditionally

  discharged after admitting the theft.

  gas / liquid

  ~ (sth) (into sth) when a gas or a liquid discharges or is discharged, or sb discharges it, it

  flows somewhere: [V] The river is diverted through the power station before discharging into

  the sea. ◆ [VN] The factory was fined for discharging chemicals into the river.

  force / power

  (technical) to release force or power: [VN] Lightning is caused by clouds discharging

  electricity. [also V]


  [VN] (formal) to do everything that is necessary to perform and complete a particular duty:

  to discharge your responsibilities / obligations ◆ to discharge a debt (= to pay it)


  [VN] (formal) to fire a gun, etc.

  182. Shrink verb(shrank or, shrunk, shrunk)

  to become smaller, especially when washed in water that is too hot; to make clothes, fabric,

  etc. smaller in this way: [V] My sweater shrank in the wash. [also VN]

  to become or to make sth smaller in size or amount: [V] The tumour had shrunk to the size

  of a pea. ◆ The market for their products is shrinking. ◆ There was a movie called 'Honey I

  shrunk the kids!'. ◆ [VN] Television in a sense has shrunk the world.

  See also SHRUNKEN

  [V +adv./prep.]to move back or away from sth because you are frightened or shocked:

  He shrank back against the wall as he heard them approaching.

  Idioms: a shrinking violet (humorous) a way of describing a very shy person

  Phrasal Verbs:shrink from sth (written) to be unwilling to do sth that is difficult or

  unpleasant: We made it clear to them that we would not shrink from confrontation. ◆ [+

  -ing] They did not shrink from doing what was right.

  183. Diffuse verb

  (formal) to spread sth or become spread widely in all directions: [VN] The problem is how

  to diffuse power without creating anarchy. ◆ [V] Technologies diffuse rapidly.

  [V, VN](technical) if a gas or liquid diffuses or is diffused in a substance, it becomes slowly

  mixed with that substance

  [VN] (formal) to make light shine less brightly by spreading it in many directions: The moon

  was fuller than the night before, but the light was diffused by cloud.

  diffusion noun [U]: the diffusion of Marxist ideas ◆ the rate of diffusion of a gas

  184. Emit verb

  (-tt-) [VN] (formal) to send out sth such as light, heat, sound, gas, etc: The metal container

  began to emit a clicking sound. ◆ Sulphur gases were emitted by the volcano.

  185. Transpire verb(formal)

  [V that](not usually used in the progressive tenses) if it transpires that sth has happened

  or is true, it is known or has been shown to be true: It transpired that the gang had had a

  contact inside the bank. ◆ This story, it later transpired, was untrue.

  [V]to happen: You're meeting him tomorrow? Let me know what transpires.

  [V, VN](biology) when plants or leaves transpire, water passes out from their surface






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