





2014-09-06 21:01:41来源:网络


  206. Intoxicate

  ~ sb (with sth) cause sb to lose self-control as a result of the effects of a drug, a gas, or

  (esp alcoholic) drink He'd been in the bar all night and was thoroughly intoxicated.

  ~ sb with sth excite sb greatly, beyond self-control intoxicated by success, by a sense

  of power, etc * intoxicated with joy, with the fresh air

  207. survive verb

  [V]~ (from sth)

  ~ (on sth)

  ~ (as sth) to continue to live or exist: She was the last surviving member of the family. ◆ Of

  the six people injured in the crash, only two survived. ◆ Some strange customs have survived

  from earlier times. ◆ I can't survive on £40 a week (= it is not enough for my basic needs). ◆

  The children had to survive by begging and stealing. ◆ He survived as party leader until his

  second election defeat. ◆ They spent two months in the jungle, surviving on small animals

  and fruit. ◆ (humorous) 'How are you these days?' 'Oh, surviving.'

  to continue to live or exist in spite of a dangerous event or time: [VN] The company

  managed to survive the crisis. ◆ Many birds didn't survive the severe winter. ◆ [VN-ADJ]

  Few buildings survived the war intact.

  [VN] to live or exist longer than sb/sth

  Synonym: OUTLIVE

  She survived her husband by ten years.

  208. Diagnose verb

  ~ sb (as / with) (sth)

  ~ sth (as sth) to say exactly what an illness or the cause of a problem is: [VN] The test is

  used to diagnose a variety of diseases. ◆ The illness was diagnosed as cancer. ◆ He has

  recently been diagnosed with angina. ◆ [VN-N] He was diagnosed (as) a diabetic when he

  was 64. [also V, VN-ADJ]

  209. Inject verb[VN]

  ~ sth (into yourself / sb/sth)

  ~ yourself / sb/sth (with sth) to put a drug or other substance into a person's or an animal's

  body using a SYRINGE: Adrenalin was injected into the muscle. ◆ She has been injecting

  herself with insulin since the age of 16. ◆ The anaesthetic is injected locally.

  ~ A (into B)

  ~ B (with A) to put a liquid into sth using a SYRINGE or similar instrument: Chemicals are

  injected into the fruit to reduce decay. ◆ The fruit is injected with chemicals to reduce decay.

  ◆ Foam is injected into the walls where it expands and provides insulation.

  ~ sth (into sth) to add a particular quality to sth: His comments injected a note of humour

  into the proceedings. ◆ They are hoping a change of leader will inject new energy into the


  ~ sth (into sth) to give money to an organization, a project, etc. so that it can function:

  They are refusing to inject any more capital into the industry.

  210. Heal verb

  ~ (up) to become healthy again; to make sth healthy again: [V] It took a long time for the

  wounds to heal. ◆ The cut healed up without leaving a scar. ◆ [VN] This will help to heal

  your cuts and scratches. ◆ (figurative) It was a chance to heal the wounds in the party (= to

  repair the damage that had been done).

  [VN] ~ sb (of sth) (old use or formal) to cure sb who is ill; to make sb feel happy again: the

  story of Jesus healing ten lepers of their disease ◆ I felt healed by his love.

  to put an end to sth or make sth easier to bear; to end or become easier to bear: [VN] She

  was never able to heal the rift between herself and her father. ◆ [V] The breach between

  them never really healed.






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