





2014-09-06 21:03:01来源:网络


  211. Draw verb (drew )

  make pictures

  to make pictures, or a picture of sth, with a pencil, pen or chalk (but not paint): [V] You

  draw beautifully. ◆ [VN] to draw a picture / diagram / graph ◆ She drew a house. ◆ He

  drew a circle in the sand with a stick. ◆ (figurative) The report drew a grim picture of

  inefficiency and corruption.


  [VN +adv./prep.]to move sth/sb by pulling it or them gently: He drew the cork out of the

  bottle. ◆ I drew my chair up closer to the fire. ◆ She drew me onto the balcony. ◆ I tried to

  draw him aside (for example where I could talk to him privately). ◆ (figurative) My eyes were

  drawn to the man in the corner.

  [VN] (of horses, etc.) to pull a vehicle such as a carriage: The Queen's coach was drawn by

  six horses. ◆ a horse-drawn carriage


  [VN]to open or close curtains, etc: The blinds were drawn. ◆ It was getting dark so I

  switched on the light and drew the curtains. ◆ She drew back the curtains and let the sunlight



  [V +adv./prep.](written) to move in the direction mentioned: The train drew into the

  station. ◆ The train drew in. ◆ The figures in the distance seemed to be drawing closer. ◆

  Their car drew alongside ours. ◆ (figurative) Her retirement is drawing near. ◆ (figurative)

  The meeting was drawing to a close.


  ~ (sth) (on sb) to take out a weapon, such as a gun or a SWORD, in order to attack sb: [VN]

  She drew a revolver on me. ◆ He came towards them with his sword drawn. [also V]


  [VN]~ sb (to sth) to attract or interest sb: The movie is drawing large audiences. ◆ Her

  screams drew passers-by to the scene. ◆ The course draws students from all over the country.

  ◆ She felt drawn to the man standing by the door.

  get reaction

  [VN] ~ sth (from sb) to produce a reaction or response: The announcement drew loud

  applause from the audience. ◆ The plan has drawn a lot of criticism.

  make sb talk

  [VN] ~ sb (about / on sth) [often passive] (BrE) to make sb say more about sth:

  Spielberg refused to be drawn on his next movie.


  [VN] ~ sth (from sth) to have a particular idea after you have studied sth or thought about

  it: What conclusions did you draw from the report? ◆ We can draw some lessons for the

  future from this accident.


  [VN] to express a comparison or a contrast: to draw an analogy / a comparison / a parallel

  / a distinction between two events


  to decide sth by picking cards, tickets or numbers by chance: [V] We drew for partners. ◆

  [VN] They had to draw lots to decide who would go. ◆ He drew the winning ticket. ◆ Names

  were drawn from a hat for the last few places. ◆ Italy has been drawn against Spain in the

  first round. ◆ [VN to inf] Italy has been drawn to play Spain.


  ~ (with / against sb) to finish a game without either team winning: [V] England and France

  drew. ◆ England drew with / against France. ◆ England and France drew 33. ◆ [VN]

  England drew their game against France.


  [VN] ~ sth (from sth)

  ~ sth out (of sth)

  ~ sth on sth to take money or payments from a bank account or post office: Can I draw $80

  out of my account? ◆ I drew out £ 200. ◆ She went to the post office to draw her pension. ◆

  The cheque was drawn on his personal account.

  liquid / gas

  [VN] to take or pull liquid or gas from somewhere: to draw water from a well ◆ The device

  draws water along the pipe.

  smoke / air

  ~ at / on sth

  ~ sth in (written) to breathe in smoke or air: [V] He drew thoughtfully on his pipe. ◆ [VN]

  She breathed deeply, drawing in the fresh mountain air.

  212. Portray verb [VN]

  to show sb/sth in a picture; to describe sb/sth in a piece of writing

  Synonym: DEPICT

  The painting portrays the duke's third wife. ◆ He was one of the first to portray animals from

  the New World. ◆ His war poetry vividly portrays life in the trenches.

  ~ sb/sth (as sb/sth) to describe or show sb/sth in a particular way, especially when this does

  not give a complete or accurate impression of what they are like: Throughout the trial, he

  portrayed himself as the victim.

  to act a particular role in a film/movie or play: Her father will be portrayed by Sean Connery.

  213. Mold Verb

  1.To give form to by or as if by pressing and kneading:

  form , model, shape .


  2.To create by forming, combining, or altering materials:

  assemble, build , construct , fabricate , fashion, forge¹, frame , make, manufacture, produce,

  put together , shape .

  214. Embroider verb

  ~ A (on B)

  ~ B (with A) to decorate fabric with a pattern of stitches usually using coloured thread: [VN]

  an embroidered blouse ◆ She embroidered flowers on the cushion covers. ◆ She

  embroidered the cushion cover with flowers. ◆ The sleeves were embroidered in gold. [also


  [VN] (written) to make a story more interesting by adding details that are not true

  Synonym: EMBELLISH

  He is inclined to embroider the facts.

  215. Pose verb

  [VN] to create a threat, problem, etc. that has to be dealt with: to pose a threat / challenge

  / danger / risk ◆ The task poses no special problems.

  [VN] ~ a question (formal) to ask a question, especially one that needs serious thought

  [V] ~ (for sb/sth) to sit or stand in a particular position in order to be painted, drawn or

  photographed: The delegates posed for a group photograph. ◆ They posed briefly for

  photographs before driving off.

  [V] ~ as sb to pretend to be sb in order to deceive other people: The gang entered the

  building posing as workmen.

  [V](usually used in the progressive tenses) (disapproving) to dress or behave in a way that

  is intended to impress other people: I saw him out posing in his new sports car






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