





2014-09-06 21:04:42来源:网络


  216. Rehearse verb

  ~ (for sth) to practise or make people practise a play, piece of music, etc. in preparation for

  a public performance: [V] We were given only two weeks to rehearse. ◆ [VN] Today, we'll

  just be rehearsing the final scene. ◆ The actors were poorly rehearsed.

  [VN] to prepare in your mind or practise privately what you are going to do or say to sb: She

  walked along rehearsing her excuse for being late.

  [VN] (formal, usually disapproving) to repeat ideas or opinions that have often been

  expressed before

  217. Conjure verb

  to do clever tricks such as making things seem to appear or disappear as if by magic: [V] Her

  grandfather taught her to conjure. ◆ [VN +adv./prep.] He could conjure coins from behind

  people's ears.

  Phrasal Verbs:conjure sth<->up

  to make sth appear as a picture in your mind

  Synonym: EVOKE

  That smell always conjures up memories of holidays in France. ◆ He strained to conjure up

  her face and voice, but they had vanished.

  to ask the spirit of a dead person to appear by using special words

  conjure sth from / out of sth to create sth or make sth appear in a surprising or unexpected

  way: He conjured a delicious meal out of a few leftovers

  218. Record verb

  keep account

  to keep a permanent account of facts or events by writing them down, filming them, storing

  them in a computer, etc: [VN] Her childhood is recorded in the diaries of those years. ◆ You

  should record all your expenses during your trip. ◆ [V wh-] His job is to record how

  politicians vote on major issues. [also V that, VN that]

  make copy

  to make a copy of music, a film/movie, etc. by storing it on tape or a disc so that you can

  listen to or watch it again: [VN] Did you remember to record 'Friends' for me? ◆ a recorded

  programme / concert ◆ [VN -ing] He recorded the class rehearsing before the performance.

  ◆ [V] Tell me when the tape starts recording.


  to perform music so that it can be copied onto and kept on tape: [VN] The band is back in

  the US recording their new album. [also V]

  make official statement

  to make an official or legal statement about sth: [VN] The coroner recorded a verdict of

  accidental death. [also V that]

  of measuring instrument

  to show a particular measurement or amount: [VN] The thermometer recorded a

  temperature of 40?C. [also V wh-]

  219. Compile verb[VN]

  to produce a book, list, report, etc. by bringing together different items, articles, songs, etc:

  We are trying to compile a list of suitable people for the job. ◆ The album was compiled from

  live recordings from last year's tour.

  (computing) to translate instructions from one computer language into another so that a

  particular computer can understand them

  220. Entitle verb

  [often passive]~ sb to sth to give sb the right to have or to do sth: [VN] You will be

  entitled to your pension when you reach 65. ◆ Everyone's entitled to their own opinion. ◆

  [VN to inf] This ticket does not entitle you to travel first class.

  [VN-N][usually passive]to give a title to a book, play, etc: He read a poem entitled 'Salt'.



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