





2014-09-09 12:59:56来源:网络


  281. Deviate verb

  [V]~ (from sth) to be different from sth; to do sth differently from what is usual or expected:

  The bus had to deviate from its usual route because of a road closure. ◆ He never deviated

  from his original plan.

  282. Digress verb

  [V](formal) to start to talk about sth that is not connected with the main point of what you are


  digression noun [C, U]: After several digressions, he finally got to the point.

  283. Embrace verb

  (written) to put your arms around sb as a sign of love or friendship

  Synonym: HUG

  [V]They embraced and wept and promised to keep in touch. ◆ [VN] She embraced her son


  [VN] (formal) to accept an idea, a proposal, a set of beliefs, etc., especially when it is done

  with enthusiasm: to embrace democracy / feminism / Islam ◆ It is unlikely that such

  countries will embrace capitalist ideas.

  [VN] (formal) to include sth: The talks embraced a wide range of issues. ◆ The word

  'mankind' embraces men, women and children.

  embrace noun [C, U]: He held her in a warm embrace. ◆ There were tears and embraces as

  they said goodbye. ◆ the country's eager embrace of foreign influences

  284. Cover verb

  hide / protect

  [VN] ~ sth (with sth) to place sth over or in front of sth in order to hide or protect it: Cover

  the chicken loosely with foil. ◆ She covered her face with her hands. ◆ (figurative) He

  laughed to cover (= hide) his nervousness.

  spread over surface

  [VN] to lie or spread over the surface of sth: Snow covered the ground. ◆ Much of the

  country is covered by forest.

  [VN] ~ sb/sth in / with sth to put or spread a layer of liquid, dust, etc. on sb/sth: The

  players were soon covered in mud. ◆ The wind blew in from the desert and covered

  everything with sand.


  [VN] to include sth; to deal with sth: The survey covers all aspects of the business. ◆ The

  lectures covered a lot of ground (= a lot of material, subjects, etc.). ◆ the sales team covering

  the northern part of the country (= selling to people in that area) ◆ Do the rules cover (= do

  they apply to) a case like this?


  [VN]to be or provide enough money for sth: $100 should cover your expenses. ◆ Your

  parents will have to cover your tuition fees. ◆ The show barely covered its costs.

  distance / area

  [VN] to travel the distance mentioned: By sunset we had covered thirty miles. ◆ They

  walked for a long time and covered a good deal of ground.

  [VN] to spread over the area mentioned: The reserve covers an area of some 1 140 square


  report news

  [VN] to report on an event for television, a newspaper, etc.; to show an event on television:

  She's covering the party's annual conference. ◆ The BBC will cover all the major games of the


  for sb

  [V] ~ for sb to do sb's work or duties while they are away: I'm covering for Jane while she's

  on leave.

  [V] ~ for sb to invent a lie or an excuse that will stop sb from getting into trouble: I have to

  go out for a minute-will you cover for me if anyone asks where I am?

  with insurance

  ~ sb/sth (against / for sth) to protect sb against loss, injury, etc. by insurance: [VN] Are you

  fully covered for fire and theft? ◆ [VN to inf] Does this policy cover my husband to drive?

  against blame

  [VN] ~ yourself (against sth) to take action in order to protect yourself against being

  blamed for sth: One reason doctors take temperatures is to cover themselves against

  negligence claims.

  with gun

  [VN] to protect sb by threatening to shoot at anyone who tries to attack them: Cover me

  while I move forward. ◆ The artillery gave us covering fire (= shot to protect us).

  [VN]to aim a gun at a place or person so that nobody can escape or shoot: The police

  covered the exits to the building. ◆ Don't move-we've got you covered!


  [VN]to record a new version of a song that was originally recorded by another band or

  singer: They've covered an old Rolling Stones number.

  Idioms:cover your tracks to try and hide what you have done, because you do not want other

  people to find out about it: He had attempted to cover his tracks by making her death appear

  like suicide.

  more at MULTITUDE

  Phrasal Verbs:cover sth<->in to put a covering or roof over an open space

  cover sth<->over to cover sth completely so that it cannot be seen: The Roman remains are

  now covered over by office buildings.

  cover up

  cover yourself up to put on more clothes

  cover sth<->up

  to cover sth completely so that it cannot be seen: He covered up the body with a sheet.

  (disapproving) to try to stop people from knowing the truth about a mistake, a crime, etc.

  related noun COVER-UP .

  285. comprise verb[VN] (not used in the progressive tenses)

  (also be comprised of) to have sb/sth as parts or members; to consist of sb/sth: The

  collection comprises 327 paintings. ◆ The committee is comprised of representatives from

  both the public and private sectors.

  to be the parts or members that form sth

  Synonym: MAKE STH UP

  Older people comprise a large proportion of those living in poverty.



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