





2014-09-13 19:55:35来源:网络


  466. Jolt verb

  to move or to make sb/sth move suddenly and roughly: [V] The truck jolted and rattled

  over the rough ground. ◆ The bus jolted to a halt. ◆ (figurative) Her heart jolted when she

  saw him. ◆ [VN] He was jolted forwards as the bus moved off.

  ~ sb (into sth)

  ~ sb (out of sth) to give sb a sudden shock, especially so that they start to take action or deal

  with a situation: [VN] His remark jolted her into action. ◆ The sound jolted my memory, and

  I suddenly remembered what had happened. ◆ a method of jolting the economy out of

  recession [also VN-ADJ]

  467. Heave verb

  [+adv./prep.]to lift, pull or throw sb/sth very heavy with one great effort: [VN] I

  managed to heave the trunk down the stairs. ◆ They heaved the body overboard. ◆ He

  heaved himself out of his armchair. ◆ [V] We all heaved on the rope. ◆ Heave away lads!

  [V]~ (with sth) to rise up and down with strong, regular movements: The boat heaved

  beneath them. ◆ Her shoulders heaved with laughter.

  [VN]~ a sigh, etc. to make a sound slowly and often with effort: We all heaved a sigh of

  relief. ◆ She heaved a long sigh.

  [V]to experience the tight feeling in your stomach that you get before you VOMIT: The

  thought of it makes me heave. ◆ His stomach heaved.

  468. Slap verb (-pp-) [VN]

  to hit sb/sth with the flat part of your hand: She slapped his face hard. ◆ She slapped him

  hard across the face. ◆ 'Congratulations!' he said, slapping me on the back.

  [VN +adv./prep.]to put sth on a surface in a quick, careless and often noisy way,

  especially because you are angry: He slapped the newspaper down on the desk. ◆ She

  slapped a $10 bill into my hand.

  [V +adv./prep.]to hit against sth with the noise of sb being slapped: The water slapped

  against the side of the boat. ◆ I could hear bare feet slapping down the corridor.

  469. Clutch verb

  to hold sb/sth tightly: [VN] He clutched the child to him. ◆ She stood there, the flowers

  still clutched in her hand. ◆ [V +adv./prep.] I clutched on to the chair for support

  ~ (at) sb/sth to take hold of sth suddenly, because you are afraid or in pain: [VN] He

  gasped and clutched his stomach. ◆ (figurative) [V] Fear clutched at her heart.

  470. Spring verb(sprang ) (AmE also sprung, sprung)

  jump / move suddenly

  [V][usually +adv./prep.](of a person or an animal) to move suddenly and with one

  quick movement in a particular direction: He turned off the alarm and sprang out of bed. ◆

  Everyone sprang to their feet (= stood up suddenly) when the principal walked in. ◆ The cat

  crouched ready to spring. ◆ The attacker sprang out at her from a doorway. ◆ (figurative) to

  spring to sb's defence / assistance (= to quickly defend or help sb)

  (of an object) to move suddenly and violently: [V, +adv./prep.] The branch sprang back

  and hit him in the face. ◆ [V-ADJ] She turned the key and the lid sprang open.


  [VN]~ sth (on sb) to do sth, ask sth or say sth that sb is not expecting: She sprang a

  surprise by winning the tournament. ◆ I'm sorry to spring it on you, but I've been offered

  another job.

  appear suddenly

  [V +adv./prep.]to appear or come somewhere suddenly: Tears sprang to her eyes. ◆ He

  tried to bite back the words that sprang to his lips.

  free prisoner

  [VN] (informal) to help a prisoner to escape: Plans to spring the hostages have failed.



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