





2014-09-15 12:34:43来源:网络


  586. Cancel verb(-ll-, AmE -l-)

  [VN] to decide that sth that has been arranged will not now take place: All flights have been

  cancelled because of bad weather. ◆ The wedding was cancelled at the last minute. ◆ Don't

  forget to cancel the newspaper (= arrange for it not to be delivered) before going away.


  to say that you no longer want to continue with an agreement, especially one that has been

  legally arranged: [VN] to cancel a policy / subscription ◆ Is it too late to cancel my order? ◆

  The US has agreed to cancel debts (= say that they no longer need to be paid) totalling $10

  million. ◆ [V] No charge will be made if you cancel within 10 days.

  [VN] to mark a ticket or stamp so that it cannot be used again

  Phrasal Verbs:cancel out

  cancel sth<->out if two or more things cancel out or one cancels out the other, they are

  equally important but have an opposite effect on a situation so that the situation does not

  change: Recent losses have cancelled out any profits made at the start of the year. ◆ The

  advantages and disadvantages would appear to cancel each other out.

  587. Undo verb[VN]

  to open sth that is fastened, tied or wrapped: to undo a button / knot / zip ◆ to undo a

  jacket / shirt / bag ◆ I undid the package and took out the books.

  Antonym: DO UP

  to cancel the effect of sth: He undid most of the good work of the previous manager. ◆ It's

  not too late to try and undo some of the damage. ◆ UNDO (= an editing command on a

  computer that cancels the previous action)

  [usually passive](formal) to make sb/sth fail: The team was undone by the speed and

  strength of their opponents.

  588. Delete verb

  [VN] ~ sth (from sth) to remove sth that has been written or printed, or that has been stored

  on a computer: Your name has been deleted from the list. ◆ This command deletes files from

  the directory. ◆ (BrE) Mr / Mrs / Ms (delete as appropriate) ◆ Delete the word 'it' and insert


  589. Contrive verb(formal)

  [V to inf] to manage to do sth in spite of difficulties: She contrived to spend a couple of

  hours with him every Sunday evening. ◆ Somehow they contrived to live on her tiny income.

  [VN] to succeed in making sth happen in spite of difficulties: I decided to contrive a meeting

  between the two of them.

  [VN] to think of or make sth, for example a plan or a machine, in a clever way: They

  contrived a plan to defraud the company

  590. Implement verb[VN]to make sth that has been officially decided start to happen or

  be used



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