





2014-09-24 13:02:30来源:网络


  851. Denounce verb[VN]

  ~ sb/sth (as sth) to strongly criticize sb/sth that you think is wrong, illegal, etc: She publicly

  denounced the government's handling of the crisis. ◆ The project was denounced as a

  scandalous waste of public money.

  ~ sb (as sth) to tell the police, the authorities, etc. about sb's illegal political activities: They

  were denounced as spies. ◆ Many people denounced their friends and neighbours to the

  secret police.

  852. Condemn verb

  express disapproval

  [VN] ~ sb/sth (for / as sth) to express very strong disapproval of sb/sth, usually for moral

  reasons: The government issued a statement condemning the killings. ◆ The editor of the

  newspaper was condemned as lacking integrity.

  sb to punishment

  [usually passive]~ sb (to sth) to say what sb's punishment will be

  Synonym: SENTENCE

  [VN] He was condemned to death for murder and later hanged. ◆ [VN to inf] She was

  condemned to hang for killing her husband.

  sb to difficult situation

  [VN][usually passive]~ sb to sth to force sb to accept a difficult or unpleasant situation

  Synonym: DOOM

  They were condemned to a life of hardship. ◆ He was condemned to spend the rest of the

  football season on the bench.

  sth dangerous

  [VN][usually passive]~ sth (as sth) to say officially that sth is not safe enough to be used:

  a condemned building ◆ The meat was condemned as unfit to eat.

  show guilt

  [VN] to show or suggest that sb is guilty of sth: She is condemned out of her own mouth (=

  her own words show her guilt).

  853. Berate verb

  [VN] (formal) to criticize or speak angrily to sb because you do not approve of sth they have

  done: She berated herself for being a bad mother.

  854. Rap verb(-pp-)

  to hit a hard object or surface several times quickly, making a noise: [V] She rapped angrily

  on the door. ◆ [VN] He rapped the table with his pen.

  ~ sth (out) to say sth suddenly and quickly in a loud, angry way: [VN] He walked through

  the store, rapping out orders to his staff. [also V speech]

  [VN] ~ sb/sth (for sth / for doing sth) (used mainly in newspapers) to criticize sb severely,

  usually publicly: Some of the teachers were rapped for poor performance.

  [V, VN](music) to say the words of a rap

  855. Repudiate verb[VN](formal)

  to refuse to accept sth

  Synonym: REJECT

  to repudiate a proposal / suggestion ◆ Socialism had been repudiated at the polls. ◆ The

  West has chosen to repudiate all responsibility for these refugees.

  to say officially and/or publicly that sth is not true

  Synonym: DENY

  to repudiate an article / a report / a claim

  to refuse to do sth, especially sth that you are legally required to do: to repudiate a contract

  / an agreement ◆ to repudiate (= refuse to pay) debts

  (old-fashioned) to refuse to be connected with sb any longer



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