





2018-05-02 16:32:00来源:网络



  15. “Nations should cooperate to develop regulations that limit children‟s access to adult material on the Internet.” *

  *The Internet is a worldwide computer network.

  Discuss the extent to which you agree or disagree with the opinion stated above. Support your views with reasons and/or examples from your own experience, observations, or reading.


  The issue here is whether an international effort to regulate children's access to adult material on the Internet is worthwhile. In my view, nations should attempt to regulate such access by cooperative regulatory effort. I base this view on the universality and importance of the interest in protecting children from harm, and on the inherently global nature of the problem.

  Adults everywhere have a serious interest in limiting children's access to pornographic material. Pornographic material tends to confuse children----distorting their notion of sex, of themselves as sexual beings, and of how people ought to treat one another. Particularly in the case of domination and child pornography, the messages children receive from pornographic material cannot contribute in a healthy way to their emerging sexuality. Given this important interest that knows no cultural bounds, we should regulate children's access to sexually explicit material on the internet.

  国际合作在这中间十分必要.因为这种犯罪的遏止如同当年控制臭氧空洞(ozone depletion)的元凶PRIME CRIMINAL(CFC)时候一样单独靠一个国家的力量这种污染是无法遏止的.

  诚然,会遇到很大的政治制约(POLITICAL HURDLE) regulate access material worthwhile cooperative regulatory

  universality普遍性广泛性I base this view on the universality and importance of the interest in protecting children from harm, and on the inherently global nature of this problem.

  pornographic色情的 sexual性的性别的 emerging浮现出来的 sexuality 性特征bound contained within national border be akin to emission release phenomenon regulation contamination污染物 contaminate admittedly formidable hurdle compliance 服从顺从consequence结果 cooperate 1,

  pornographic material has seriously negative effect on children-misleading their sense of sex, of the normal relationships between people, and of themselves as sexual beings. 儿童的好奇心以及缺乏正确的认识,are vulnerable to the bad influence of such adults materials,从而distract their concentration from study to those distorted notions. 人们有责任和义务帮助孩子,protect them from being hurt and influenced by such materials.


  However, 国家范围内的regulations lose their previous effectiveness because of the development of internet. Just as the companies which contaminate the natural environment move to other countries after being punished, so the company offering pornographic materials on line can move to other parts of the world to avoid punishment. 所以,国家联合起来,非常有必要。 可以通过象环保那样的联合的和约。


  Admittedly, 有困难,与甚至敌对的国家hostile 但是不能放弃努力。

  Optional words:

  Regulation/ law/ restriction

  Limit/confine/.control/ hamper/ inhibit/ Thesis sentence:

  View1: adult material on the internet may have terrible affect on children with immature point of view and judgment.

  Evidence: pornographic material. tends to confuse children----distorting their notion of sex, and of how people ought to treat one another. View2:since Internet has no national boundaries, nations should attempt to regulate such access by cooperative regulatory effort. Evidence:

  The issue here is whether an international effort to regulate children’s access to adult material on the Internet is worthwhile. In my view, nations should attempt to regulate such access by cooperative regulatory effort. I base this view on the universality and importance of the interest in protecting children from harm, and on the inherently pandemic nature of the problem.



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