





2018-05-07 16:32:00来源:网络



  24. “A powerful business leader has far more opportunity to influence the course of a community or a nation than does any government official.” “一个有力的企业领导比一个政府官员有更多的机会影响一个社团或国家的方针。”

  1. 每一个政府官员都很难自己做出决策。每一个政令的颁布表面上仿佛是由一个人宣布的,其实背后的程序过程都是十分繁杂的。

  seperation of the three powers(the legislative, executive and judicial powers) In this work he argued that the three powers a state has are the Legislative, the Executive and the Judicial and that for a state to remain democratic, these powers must be separated and there must be checks and balances to prevent a single group from acquiring control over two or more of them.


  2. 而企业领导往往会有更大的决策权,而他们的决策也更容易被贯彻。在一个经济为中心的国家相应的他们的对社区和国家的影响力也就更大。

  3. 诚然在一个以政治为中心的国家里,企业领导对社区和国家产生影响的机会会较少,但经济是政治的基础,离开经济政治是毫无影响力可言的。此外由于上面所说过的原因政府官员对社区和国家的影响同样不会很大。

  goverment order procedure process complex complicated intricate higher-up subordinate superior

  restict restriction confine constrain curb administration collective the seperation of the three powers: the legislative the executive and the judicial decision-making carry out implement perform politics-centered economy-centered influence effect impact historical influential abound

  on balance=with all things considered admittedly opportunity commerce commercial check-and-balance system 制约平衡制度 scandal illuminate illumination luminous lumination technic technical technology technician technological entity equity seems to pale next to... Yet the impact seems to pale next to those of our modern captains of industry. by virture of for the sake of on the account of

  1. Admittedly, 领导人的作用有时不象企业家一样apparent. 因为国家的发展,人们的生活,与企业closely related. 比如GATES,领导了信息产业革命;Rockefeller,控制国家的石油命脉took control of American oil supply。企业家通过影响企业的行为,从而直观上影响人course of a community.

  2. 但是,企业的一切影响is based on its existence, which is permitted by the government. 政府制定各种policy来允许企业的存在,企业家的一切行为需要被政府允许才能产生作用。

  3. Moreover, 影响一个国家,需要强大的power, which can be only generated from absolutely authority. 这样的绝对权力是企业不具备的。Yet even a cursory review of the history reveals substantial evidence that it is the government leader rather than the business leader that can make the pivotal decision when the nation is in crisis. 比如,在经济recession,企业的力量无法使经济好转,revive the economy of the whole nation, 只有政府运用行政措施,制定positive policy to stimulate the companies and thus the economy of the whole nation. 比如Roosevelt. Bill Clinton. financial policy

  View 1: Unlike business leader, government power is likely to subject to many more restraints. Our check-and-balance system, the legislation influence and the voting power are all factors that temper the power of government official to the course of a community or a nation. Moreover, powerful business leaders all too often seem to hold the actual legislative and judicial power by their financial supporting of official activities such as governmental elections.

  View2: While take more thorough consideration, the government official is likely to have more direct and broad influence on a community and a nation.



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