





2018-05-24 18:39:00来源:网络



  “The most effective way for a businessperson to maximize profits over a long period of time is to follow the highest standards of ethics.” “商务人员在长期内实现利润最大化的最有效途径是遵循最高标准的道德。”

  反面的例子可以是说如果从最高的道德规范来看有些污染环境的行业根本就不应该存在。但是从企业的长期发展来看以及从社会的福利最大化来看,只要污染控制在一定范围就好。如化工厂只要把排污控制在国家规定的范围就好。 1. 道德不明确,每个人的标准不一样

  2. 法律立法时符合大多数人的要求明确具体 3. 时滞可以用提高立法效率来解决 和AI034基本一样。

  1. 支持者会认为, 高道德会赢得reputation and trust; 第一, 高道德生产高质量的产品以及service,顾客稳定stable share of the market;

  第二, 高道德会让员工满意度提高(公平,平等). 从而attract those applicants with high ability and keep the employees loyal to the


  例子:Bayer, one of the largest pharmaceutic companies in the world, announced that the company would cease production of one of its

  major products, because of the hazardous ingredients it contained. By doing so, the company suffers great loss on profitability, but gains strong public support and understanding, which can contribute to the long-term success of the company.

  2. 但在更多的情况下, 高道德也许不equal to maximal profit. 比如,a, 如果把道德放在第一位的话,企业的executive很可能无法执行裁

  员活动complete the normal administration, such as raising the price, reducing the superabundant staff… b, 高道德的话,很可能采用最高标准的环保生产——这样很不是cost-effective. 总之,Following such undue concern about ethics, the company may find it impossible to survive in the radical competitive market, let alone to gain large profit.

  View1: the definition of highest standards of ethics vary from person to person and time to time. Therefore, it is impractical to find and then stick to the highest standards of ethics.

  View2: the regulations and laws of authorities are more feasible and suitable standards to follow.

  View3: while waiting for government regulations may draw back the processes of eliminating the ill actions, we can count on the authorities to speed up the process of refining the laws and regulations.

  The speaker claims that following high ethical standards is the best way to maximize profits in the long run. However, this claim seems to be more of a normative statement than an empirical observation. The issue is more complex than the speaker suggests. In my observation, the two objectives at times coincide but at other times conflict.

  In many ways behaving ethically can benefit a business. Ethical conduct will gain a company good reputation that earns repeated business. Treating suppliers, customers and others fairly is likely to result in their reciprocating. Finally, a company that treats its employees fairly and with respect will gain their loyalty which, in turn, usually translates into higher productivity.

  On the other hand, taking the most ethical course of action may in many cases reduce profits, in the short run and beyond. Consider the details of a merger in which both firms hope to profit from a synergy gained thereby. If the details of the merger hinge on the ethical conviction that as few employees as possible should lose their jobs, the key executives may lose sight of the fact that a leaner, less labor-intensive organization might be necessary for long-term survival. Thus, undue concern with ethics in this case would results in lower profits and perhaps ultimate business failure.

  This merger scenario points out a larger argument that the speaker misses entirely-that profit maximization is per se the highest ethical objective in private business. Why? By maximizing profits, businesses bestow a variety of important benefits on their community and on society: they employ more people, stimulate the economy, and enhance healthy competition. In short, the profit motive is the key to ensuring that the members of a free market society survive and thrive. While this argument might ignore implications for the natural environment and for socioeconomic justice, it is a compelling argument nonetheless.

  Thus the choice to follow high ethical standards should not be made by thinking that ethical conduct is profitable. While in some cases a commitment to high ethical standards might benefit a company financially, in many cases it will not. In the final analysis, businesses might best be advised to view their attempts to maximize profits as highly ethical behavior.



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