





2018-05-28 18:39:00来源:网络



  “Everywhere, it seems, there are clear and positive signs that people are becoming more respectful of one another‟s differences.”



  1. 一方面我们的立法越来越完善不断向着消除歧视和偏见的方向发展。这从强制的方面要求人们尊重和其他人的不同 2. 另一方面,随着技术的不断进步交流的不断深入人们对别的文化也有了更深的了解。而了解就会使得不同文化的人们提高对对方文化


  3. 诚然现在还有很多的种族的性别的等各个方面的歧视。但是我们很高兴地看到事情在向好的方面发展。

  1. The increased globalization has provided more opportunities than ever before to contact and acknowledge cultures of other nations.

  对于不同的宗教信仰和文化习俗,人们采取了更加宽容more tolerant attitude toward dissimilar culture, including religion and custom from other nations. 比方说:China had long closed itself to the outside of the world for many centuries before it opened the door in 1980’s. 在那段时间里,西方文明被简单地理解为怪异和粗鲁的considered to be strange or rude. 而现在,接触了更多后,中国也认识到了不同,并且充分地接受和借鉴even learn from他们。

  2. 然而,在很多领域,尽管通过legislation,已经改变了一些to some extent,但严重的discrimination and prejudice still remain severe

  despite of the legislation… 比方说,racial, gender虽然立法规定了男女在工作一样的情况下得到一样工资,但是社会人为地perceived inequity still exist since 男和女被分为不同种类的工作。

  3. 有成绩,但仍然需要努力。对不同的高度容忍体现文明的发展程度。sign of… 之类。所以要一起努力。

  Hearst Corporation

  __celebrate differences among people and make active use of the varied perspectives that workers from different backgrounds bring to the job.

  View1: our legislation and moral tend to eliminate bias and prejudice based on difference. View2: better communication and broader cooperation teach people to respect deference

  In determining whether we are becoming more respectful of one another’s differences, one must examine both overt actions and underlying motives, as well as examining whether our differences are increasing or decreasing. The issue, therefore, is quite complex, and the answer is unclear.

  Disrespect for one another’s differences manifests itself in various forms of prejudice and discrimination. Since the civil rights and feminist movements of the 60s and 70s, it would seem that we have made significant progress toward eliminating racial and sexual discrimination. Anti-discriminatory laws in the areas of employment, housing, and education, now protect all significant minority groups racial minorities and women, the physically challenged and, more recently, homosexuals. Movies and television shows, which for better or worse have become the cynosure of our cultural attention, now tout the rights of minorities, encouraging acceptance of and respect for others.

  However, much of this progress is forced upon us legislative. Without Title 10 and its progenies, would we voluntarily refrain from the discriminatory behavior that the laws prevent? Perhaps not. Moreover, signs of disrespect are all around us today. Extreme factions still rally around bigoted demagogues; the number of “hate crimes” is increasing alarmingly; and school-age children seem to flaunt a disrespect toward adults as never before. Finally, what appears to be respect for one another’s differences may in

  fact be an increasing global homogeneity—that is, we are becoming more and more alike.

  In sum, on a societal level it is difficult to distinguish between genuine respect for one another’s differences on the one hand and legislated morality and increasing homogeneity on the other. Accordingly, the claim that we are becoming more respectful of one another’s differences is somewhat dubious.


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