





2018-06-14 16:43:00来源:网络




  76. Although all theproceedingsof the Communist partyconferenceheldin Moscow were not carried live, Sovietaudiences have seena greatdealof coverage.

  (A) all theproceedings of the Communist partyconference heldin Moscow were not carried live

  (B) allthe Communist partyconference’ s Moscow proceedings were notcarried live

  (C) allthe Communist partyconference Moscow proceedings havenot been carriedalive

  (D) notallthe Communist partyconference Moscow proceedings havebeen carriedalive

  (E) not all theproceedings of the Communist partyconference heldin Moscow were carried live

  77. Although aspirinirritates thestomach,it canbe avoidedif theaspirin tabletis given acoatingthatwill notdissolveuntilthetablet reaches the intestine.

  (A) Although aspirinirritates thestomach,it

  (B) The irritation of thestomach causedbyaspirin

  (C) The factthataspirin causesirritation of the stomach

  (D) Aspirincauses stomachirritation,althoughit

  (E) Aspirinirritates thestomach, which

  78. Although dozens of New Y ork’ s small museums areeitherdevotedto local historyor various ethnicgroups, there are manyone-of-a-kind museums from Manhattanto theBronx thatare open for explorationon summerweekends.

  (A) Although dozens of New Y ork’ s small museums areeither devotedto local historyor various ethnicgroups, there are

  (B) Althoughdozens of New Y ork’ s small museumsare devoted to localhistory or various ethnic groups,

  (C) Dozensof New Y ork’ s small museumsare devotedto local historyor various ethnicgroups, but thereare

  (D) Dozens of New Y ork’ s small museums aredevotedto local historyor various ethnicgroups, and thereare also

  (E) Devotedto local historyor various ethnicgroups, dozens of New Y ork’ s small museums and also

  79. Although earlysoap operas were first aired on evening radioin the1920’ s, they had movedto thedaytimehours of the 1930’ s when theeveningschedule became crowded with comedians andvarietyshows.

  (A) werefirst airedon eveningradio inthe 1920’ s, theyhad movedto the daytimehours of the1930’ s

  (B) were first aired on eveningradioin the 1920’ s, theywere movedto the daytimehours in the1930’ s

  (C) were airedfirst on eveningradioin the 1920’ s, moving to the daytimehours in the1930’ s

  (D) wereaired firstin theeveningon 1920’ s radio, theymoved tothe daytime hours of the 1930’ s

  (E) airedon eveningradio firstin the1920’ s, theywere movedto the1930’ s in the daytimehours

  80. Although filmsaboutthe American West depict coyotes as solitaryanimals howling mournfullyon thetops of distanthills, inrealitythesegregarious creatures livein stablegroups that occupythesameterritoryfor longperiods.

  (A) films aboutthe American West depictcoyotes as solitaryanimals howling mournfullyon the tops of distant hills

  (B) in filmsabout the American West coyotesare depictedto be solitaryanimals thathowlmournfullyon the tops of distant hills

  (C) coyotes aredepicted as solitaryanimals howlingmournfullyon the tops of distanthills infilms aboutthe American West

  (D) films aboutthe American West depictcoyotes as if theywere solitary , mournfullyhowling animals on thetops of distanthills

  (E) filmsabout the American West depict coyotes to be solitaryandmournfully howling animals on thetops of distanthills




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