





2018-06-30 10:54:08来源:网络




  326.Geologists believe that thewarning signs for a major earthquake mayinclude suddenfluctuations inlocalseismicactivity ,tilting and other deformations of the Earth’ s crust, changingthe measuredstainacross afaultzone, and varying the electrical properties of underground rocks.

  (A) changing themeasuredstrain across a fault zone,and varying

  (B) changingmeasurements of thestrain across a fault zone,and varying

  (C) changingthe strainas measured across afault zone,and variations of

  (D) changes in themeasuredstrain across a fault zone,and variations in

  (E) changesin measurements of thestrain across a fault zone,and variations among

  327.George Sand (AuroreLucile Dupin) was one of thefirst Europeanwriters to consider therural poor tobe legitimatesubjects for literature andportraythese with sympathyand respectin her novels.

  (A) tobe legitimatesubjects for literature andportraythese

  (B) shouldbe legitimatesubjects for literature andportraythese

  (C) as being legitimate subjectsfor literatureand portrayingthem

  (D) as iftheywere legitimate subjects for literatureand portraythem

  (E) legitimatesubjects for literatureand to portraythem

  328.Greenanolelizards,familiar toschoolchildren as chameleons, haverecently becomefamiliarto biologists as an excellent animalfor laboratorystudies of the interactionbetweenstimuliwithhormones.

  (A) anexcellentanimal for laboratorystudiesof the interaction between stimuli with

  (B) an excellent animalfor laboratorystudies of interaction of stimuli and

  (C) being excellent animalsfor laboratorystudies of theinteractionbetween stimuli with

  (D) excellent animalsfor laboratorystudies of theinteractionbetween stimuli with

  (E) excellent animals for laboratorystudies of the interaction of stimuliand

  329.Growing competitivepressures maybe encouraging auditors to bend the rules in favor of clients;auditors may ,for instance, allow a questionable loan to remain on the books in orderto maintaina bank’ s profitson paper .

  (A) clients;auditorsmay ,for instance, allow

  (B) clients, as an instance, toallow

  (C) clients, liketo allow

  (D) clients,suchas tobe allowing

  (E) clients;whichmight,as an instance, be theallowingof

  330.Having theright handand armbeingcrippled bya sniper ’ s bullet duringthe First World War , Horace Pippin,a Black American painter ,worked byholding the brush inhis right handand guidingits movements with his left.

  (A) Havingthe righthand and armbeingcrippledbya sniper’ s bulletduring the First World War

  (B) In spite of his right hand andarmbeingcrippledbya sniper’ s bullet during the First World War

  (C) Because there hadbeen a sniper’ s bullet duringthe First World War that crippledhis righthand and arm

  (D) Theright handand armbeing crippled byasniper ’ s bullet duringthe First World War

  (E) His right handand armcrippledbya sniper’ sbulletduring theFirst World War






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