





2018-07-02 10:06:00来源:网络




  381.In his eagerness to finda cityworthyof Priam,the Germanarchaeologist Schliemann cutthrough Troyand uncovered a civilization a thousandyears older as was thecityHomer ’ s heroesknew.

  (A) older as was the cityHomer’ s heroes knew

  (B) more ancientthan thecityknown to Homer’ sheroes

  (C) older thanwas the cityknown to Homer’ s heroes

  (D) more ancient of acitythan Homer’ s heroes knew

  (E) olderof a citythan was theone known to Homer’ sheroes

  382.In his research paper , Dr . Frosh, medical directorof the Payne WhitneyClinic, distinguishes moodswings, which maybe violent withouttheirbeing groundedin mental disease,fromgenuinemanic-depressive psychosis.

  (A) moodswings, which maybe violent without their beinggrounded in mental disease, fromgenuine manic-depressivepsychosis

  (B) mood swings, perhapsviolentwithoutbeing grounded inmental disease,and genuinemanic-depressive psychosis

  (C) betweenmoodswings, which maybe violentwithout beinggrounded in mental disease,and genuinemanic-depressive psychosis

  (D) between moodswings, perhaps violent withoutbeinggrounded in mental disease, fromgenuine manic-depressivepsychosis

  (E) genuinemanic-depressivepsychosis and moodswings, which maybe violent without being grounded inmental disease

  383.In his work, Leon Forrest is morereminiscent of HenryMiller’ sobsessive narratives and T oni Morrison’ s mythiclanguages than JamesJoyce’ sinternal explorations.

  (A) In his work, LeonForrestis more reminiscent of

  (B) Leon Forrest writesmore like

  (C) Leon Forrest’ s work is morereminiscent of

  (D) Leon Forrest remindsone more of

  (E) LeonForrest’ s work moreresembles thatof

  384.In Holland, alarger percentageof the gross national productis spent on defense of theircoasts fromrisingseas thanis spent on militarydefensein the United States.

  (A) In Holland, a largerpercentageof the gross nationalproductis spenton defense of their coasts fromrising seas than is spenton militarydefense in the UnitedStates.

  (B) In Holland theyspend a largerpercentage of their gross national producton defendingtheircoasts fromrising seas thanthe UnitedStatesdoes on militarydefense.

  (C) Alargerpercentageof Holland’ s gross nationalproductis spenton defending theircoasts fromrisingseas thantheUnited States spends on military defense.

  (D) Holland spends a largerpercentage of its gross national productde fendingits coasts fromrisingseas than themilitarydefense spending of theUnited States.

  (E) Hollandspends alarger percentageof its gross nationalproducton defending its coasts fromrising seas than theUnitedStates does on militarydefense.

  385.In its most recentapproach, thecometCrommelinpassed the Earthatabout the same distance andin aboutthe sameposition, some25 degrees above the horizon, that alley’ scometwill pass the nexttimeitappears.

  (A) that Halley’ s comet will pass

  (B) thatHalley’ scometis to be passing

  (C) as Halley’ scomet

  (D) as will Halley’ scomet

  (E) as Halley’ scometwilldo






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