





2018-07-17 10:45:18来源:网络




  486.Likethe 1890s Populists who exalted therural myth, so urbanleaders of the 1990s aretryingto glorifythe urban myth.

  (A) Like the1890s Populists who exaltedthe ruralmyth,

  (B) Just as thePopulists of the1890s exaltedthe ruralmyth,

  (C) The Populists of the1890s having exalted the ruralmyth,

  (D) Just like therural mythwas exaltedbythe Populistsof the 1890s

  (E) Populists of the1890s wereexalting therural myth,and

  487.Likethe color-discriminatingapparatus of thehumaneye, insects’ eyesdepend on recordingand comparing light intensitiesin threeregions of theelectromagnetic spectrum.

  (A) insects’ eyes dependon

  (B) an insecteyedependson

  (C) thatof insects dependon the

  (D) that of aninsect’ s eyedepends on

  (E) that of an insect’ s is dependent on the

  488.Likethe government that came beforeit,whichset new records for growth, laissez-faire capitalismis the cornerstoneof the new government.

  (A) laissez-faire capitalismis thecornerstone of the new government

  (B) the cornerstone of thenew governmentis laissez-faire capitalism

  (C) laissez-faire capitalismis the new government’ s cornerstone

  (D) the new government has madelaissez-faire capitalismits cornerstone

  (E) thenew governmenthas a laissez-fairecornerstone of capitalism

  489.Likethe onereputed tolivein LochNess, also an inland lake connected tothe oceanbya river ,inhabitants of thearea aroundLake Champlainclaimsightings of a long andnarrow “sea monster .”

  (A) Like theone reputed to live inLoch Ness, also an inlandlakeconnected to the ocean bya river , inhabitantsof the areaaround Lake Champlainclaim sightings of a longand narrow “sea monster .”

  (B) Inhabitants of thearea aroundLake Champlainclaimsightings of a long and narrow “sea monster”similar tothe one reputed tolive inLoch Ness, which, likeLakeChamplain, is an inland lake connected tothe ocean bya river .

  (C) Inhabitants of thearea aroundLake Champlainclaimsightings of a long and narrow “sea monster”similar toLoch Ness’ s, which,likeLake Champlain, is an inlandlakeconnected to the oceanbya river .

  (D) Like LochNess’ reputed monster,inhabitants of theareaaround Lake Champlain, alsoan inlandlakeconnectedto theoceanbya river ,claim sightings of a longand narrow “sea monster .”

  (E) Similar tothatreputedto livein LochNess, inhabitants of the areaaround LakeChamplain, also aninlandlake connectedto theocean byariver , claim sightings of a longand narrow “sea monster .”

  490.Liketheirmalecounterparts, women scientists are aboveaveragein termsof intelligence andcreativity ,but unlike menof science, theirfemale counterparts have hadto workagainstthe grainof occupationalstereotypingto enter a “man’ s world.”

  (A) their femalecounterparts have hadto work

  (B) theirproblemis working

  (C) one thingtheyhavehad to do is work

  (D) the handicap women of science havehad is to work

  (E) women of science havehad to work






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