





2018-08-08 20:05:00来源:网络




  686.The aimof thenew regulations is to makeiteasier for prospective homeowners to havefunds availablefor energyimprovement in their new houses.

  (A) tomakeit easier for prospective homeowners tohave

  (B) to makeeasierfor prospectivehomeowners thehaving of

  (C) makingit easier for prospective homeowners so theycan have

  (D) that prospective homeowners more easilycanhave

  (E) for prospective homeowners tomore easilyhave

  687.The airlineindustryis cutting its lowest discountfares more widely ,more substantially ,andearlier this yearthanit normallydoes attheend of the summer , a time duringwhichtravel usuallydecreases and the industryuses some lower fares for theattractionof passengers.

  (A) duringwhich travel usuallydecreases andthe industryuses some lowerfares for the attraction of

  (B) during which travelusuallydecreases and therefore theindustrywilluse somelower fares for the attraction of

  (C) in which travelusuallydecreases and in whichthe industrythereforeuses somelower fares attracting

  (D) when travelusuallydecreases and theindustryuses somelower fares to attract

  (E) when travel usuallydecreases andthereforethe industrywill use lower fares for the attraction of

  688.The AmericanMedical Associationhas argued thattherapidlyrisingcosts associatedwith malpracticelitigationare driving doctors fromthe profession and thatreformof thetortsystemis imperativefor bringingmalpractice insurance premiumsunder control.

  (A) that reformof thetort systemis imperativefor bringing malpracticeinsurance premiums

  (B) thatreformof thetortsystemis imperativeif malpracticeinsurancepremiums are tobe brought

  (C) thatreformof thetortsystemis imperativeto bringmalpractice insurance premiums

  (D) reformof thetort systemis necessaryin bringingmalpractice insurance premiums

  (E) thetort systemneeds to be reformed so thatmalpractice insurance premiums are brought

  689.The animositybetween thosewho regulateand those who are regulated,never more pronouncedthan inrecentdebatesover environmentalismandpollution control.

  (A) Theanimositybetweenthose who regulate and thosewho areregulated, never

  (B) The animositybetween those who regulate andthose who are regulated, never being

  (C) The animositybetween those who regulate andthose who are regulatedhas never been

  (D) Between those who regulateand those who are regulated,suchanimositywas never

  (E) Betweenthose who regulate and between those regulated,such animosityhas never been

  690.The argument that thedominant form of familystructure todayis not thenuclear family ,butrather it is a familywhichis modified and extended, is basedon a number of facts: theexistence of three-generationalfamilies, theamountof verticaland horizontal communicationbetween familysubunits, and theextentto which family members offer assistanceto one another .

  (A) family ,but rather itis a familywhich is modifiedand extended, is based on a number of facts: theexistence of three-generationalfamilies

  (B) family ,butis instead afamilythatis modified and extended, is basedon a number of facts: three-generational familiesexist

  (C) family ,which has beenmodified and extended, is basedon a number of facts: the existenceof three-generation alfamilies

  (D) familybut a modifiedextendedfamilyis based on a numberof facts:the existence of three-generationalfamilies

  (E) family ,but also a modifiedand extendedfamily ,is basedon a number of facts:three-generational families exist






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    来源 : 网络 2021-01-25 13:26:00 关键字 : GMAT语法 GMAT



