





2018-08-14 16:19:00来源:网络




  891.Unlike auto insurance,the frequency of claims does not affect the premiums for personal property coverage, but if the insurance companyis able to prove excessive loss due to own ernegligence, it may decline to renew the policy .

  (A) Unlike autoinsurance, thefrequencyof claimsdoes not affect thepremiums for personal property coverage

  (B) Unlike withauto insurance, thefrequencyof claimsdo not affectthe premiumsfor personal propertycoverage

  (C) Unlike thefrequencyof claimsfor auto insurance, thepremiumsfor personal propertycoverage arenot affected bythefrequencyof claims

  (D) Unlike thepremiumsfor auto insurance,the premiums for personalproperty coverageare notaffectedbythe frequencyof claims

  (E) Unlikewith thepremiumsfor auto insurance,the premiums for personal propertycoverage is not affected by the frequencyof claims

  892.Unlike computerskills or other technical skills, thereis a disinclination on the part of many people to recognize the degreeto which their analyticalskills are weak.

  (A) Unlike computer skillsor other technical skills, there is adisinclinationon the partof manypeople torecognize thedegree towhichtheiranalytical skills areweak.

  (B) Unlike computerskills or other technical skills, which theyadmittheylack, manypeople are disinclined to recognizethattheiranalytical skills areweak.

  (C) Unlike computerskills or other technical skills, analytical skills bringout a disinclinationin many people to recognize that theyare weakto a degree.

  (D) Manypeople, willing toadmitthattheylack computer skillsor other technicalskills, are disinclined to recognizethattheiranalyticalskills are weak.

  (E) Manypeoplehave adisinclinationto recognize the weakness of their analytical skills while willing to admittheirlack of computerskills or other technicalskills.

  893.Unlike GertrudeStein,Ezra Pound, and otherexpatriates, WilliamCarlos Williams insisted that poets honor their own regions andemployspecifically Americanrhythms.

  (A) Unlike GertrudeStein, Ezra Pound, and otherexpatriates, WilliamCarlos Williamsinsisted

  (B) AlthoughGertrude Stein,EzraPound, andother expatriates did not, William Carlos Williams’insistencewas

  (C) ContrarytoGertrude Stein,EzraPound, andother expatriates, itwas William Carlos Williamswho insisted

  (D) As opposed to whatGertrude Stein,EzraPound, andother expatriates did, WilliamCarlos Williams was to insist

  (E) While GertrudeStein, Ezra Pound, and otherexpatriates didnot, William Carlos Williamswas insistent

  894.Unlike inother transportation industries, there areno minimumstandardssetby government or industry for qualifying for being anengineer on a train.

  (A) Unlike in othertransportation industries, thereare no minimumstandards set by governmentor industry for qualifyingfor being

  (B) Unlike othertransportation industries thathave minimumstandards setby governmentor industry ,there arenone for qualifying tobe

  (C) Althoughthe government or industryusuallysets minimumstandards for transportation industries, no such one has been setfor qualifyingas to being

  (D) Although thegovernmentor industryusuallysets minimumstandardsfor transportation industries, no such standard has beenset for qualifying tobe

  (E) Although thereare usuallyminimumstandardsset bygovernment or industry for transportation industries, thereis none for qualifying and being

  895.Unlike mostwarbler species,the male andfemale blue-winged warbler arevery difficult totellapart.

  (A) Unlike most warblerspecies, themaleand femaleblue-wingedwarbler are very difficult totell apart.

  (B) Unlike mostwarbler species,the genderof the blue-winged warbleris very difficult todistinguish.

  (C) Unlike thosein most warblerspecies, themaleand femaleblue-winged warblers are verydifficult to distinguish.

  (D) Itis verydifficult, unlike inmost warblerspecies, to tellthe male andfemale blue-wingedwarbler apart.

  (E) Blue-winged warblers areunlikemostspecies of warblerin that itis very difficult totellthe maleand female apart.






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