





2018-08-15 16:19:00来源:网络




  901.Unlike thelivesof Pushkin, Gogol, T olstoi,and Dostoevski,subjects of other Troyat biographies, Chekhov belongs to thetwentieth century ,an ageof fretfulness and melancholy skepticism.

  (A) Unlike thelives of Pushkin, Gogol, T olstoi, andDostoevski, subjects of other Troyat biographies, Chekhov belongs

  (B) Chekhov , unlike theother Troyatbiographiesof Pushkin, Gogol, T olstoi,and Dostoevski,belongs

  (C) The life of Chekhov , unlike thelivesof the subjects of other Troyat biographies,Pushkin, Gogol, T olstoi,and Dostoevski,belongs

  (D) Chekhovand his life,unlikethatof the other Troyatbiographies—Pushkin, Gogol, T olstoi, and Dostoevski, belong

  (E) The life of Chekhov ,unlikethatof other Troyatbiographies of Pushkin, Gogol, T olstoi, and Dostoevski, belongs

  902.Unlike theShiites,who constitutethe othermajor branch of Islam, theSunnites do not awaittheMahdias a messenger fromGod, nor do theyendow himwith divinequalities or immunityfromfailure injudgment.

  (A) nor do theyendow him

  (B) but theydo not endow him

  (C) neitherdo theyendow him

  (D) andtheyneither endow him

  (E) whileendowing himneither

  903.Unlike theUnitedStates, Japanese unions appear reluctantto organize lower-paid workers.

  (A) Unlike theUnited States, Japanese unions appearreluctantto organize

  (B) Unlike thosein theUnited States, Japanese unions appearreluctantto organize

  (C) In Japan, unlikethe United States,unions appear reluctant to organize

  (D) Japaneseunions, unlikethe UnitedStates, appear reluctantto organize

  (E) Japanese unions, unlike thosein theUnited States, appear reluctant about organizing

  904.Unlike theUnitedStates, where farmers can usuallydepend on rainor snow all year long,the rains inmost parts of Sri Lanka areconcentratedin themonsoon months, June to September,and theskies aregenerallyclear for the rest of the year .

  (A) Unlike theUnited States, wherefarmers canusuallydepend on rainor snow allyear long,the rains inmost parts of Sri Lanka

  (B) Unlike theUnitedStates farmers,who canusuallydependon rain or snow all year long,the rains inmost parts of Sri Lanka

  (C) Unlike thoseof the UnitedStates, wherefarmers canusuallydependon rain or snow all yearlong, most parts of SriLanka’ s rains

  (D) In comparison withthe UnitedStates, whose farmers canusuallydepend on rain or snow allyear long, the rains inmostparts of Sri Lanka

  (E) In theUnited States, farmers canusuallydependon rainor snow allyear long, but inmost parts of Sri Lanka therains

  905.Unlike their counterparts inother Western democracies, the Americanlabor movement has neverembraced revolutionaryideologies calling for theultimate transformation of the economic order .

  (A) Unlike theircounterparts in other Westerndemocracies, the Americanlabor movement has never

  (B) Unlike that of their counterparts inother Western democracies, the American labor movementhas never

  (C) Unlike its counterpart in other Westerndemocracies,the Americanlabor movement neverhave

  (D) Unlike thatof its counterparts inother Western democracies, the American labor movementnever has

  (E) Unlikeits counterparts in other Westerndemocracies,the Americanlabor movement has never






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