





2018-08-15 16:19:00来源:网络




  906.Unlike transplants betweenidentical twins, whosegenetic endowmentis the same, all patients receivinghearts or otherorgans musttakeantirejectiondrugs for the restof theirlives.

  (A) Unlike transplants betweenidenticaltwins, whose geneticendowmentis the same

  (B) Besides transplants involvingidenticaltwins with thesame genetic endowment

  (C) Unless thetransplant involves identicaltwins who havethesamegenetic endowment

  (D) Asidefroma transplantbetween identical twins withthe samegenetic endowment

  (E) Other thantransplants betweenidenticaltwins, whose geneticendowment is the same

  907.Until quite recently , American presidents livedin a world inwhich thepublicand privaterealmsof theirlives were largelyseparate, andthe press cooperated in maintainingthedistinction, and Americans judgednational leaders without receiving, or expecting,intimateinformation aboutthem.

  (A) andthe press cooperated inmaintainingthe distinction,and

  (B) wherethepress cooperated inmaintainingthedistinction, and where

  (C) for the press cooperated tomaintain the distinctionand

  (D) the press cooperatedto maintain thedistinction, for

  (E) in whichthe press cooperated inmaintainingthe distinction,and in which

  908.Upsetbythe recent downturn inproductionnumbers during thefirst halfof the year , thepossibilityof adding worker incentives was raisedbythe boardof directorsat itsquarterlymeeting.

  (A) the possibilityof addingworkerincentives was raised bytheboard of directorsat its quarterly meeting

  (B) the additionof workerincentives was raised as a possibilitybytheboard of directorsat its quarterly meeting

  (C) added worker incentiveswas raisedbythe boardof directors atits quarterly meeting as a possibility

  (D) the board of directors raisedat itsquarterlymeeting thepossibilityof worker incentives being added

  (E) theboard of directors, at its quarterlymeeting, raisedthe possibilityof adding worker incentives

  909.Urbanofficials want thecensus tobe as accurate andcomplete as possible for the reason thatthe amount of low-incomepeople ina givenarea affectthe distribution of about fifty billion dollars a year in federal funds.

  (A) for the reason that theamountof low-incomepeoplein a givenareaaffect

  (B) for the reasonbecause theamountof low-incomepeoplein a givenarea effects

  (C) in that theamountof low-incomepeoplein given areas effect

  (D) because thenumber of low-income people ina given area affects

  (E) becausethe numbersof low-incomepeoplein givenareas effects

  910.Using aDopplerultrasounddevice,fetalheartbeats canbe detectedbythe twelfth week of pregnancy.

  (A) Using a Dopplerultrasound device, fetal heartbeats can bedetected bythe twelfthweek of pregnancy .

  (B) Fetalheartbeats canbe detected bythe twelfthweek of pregnancy ,using a Doppler ultrasounddevice.

  (C) Detecting fetal heartbeats bythe twelfth week of pregnancy ,aphysician can usea Doppler ultrasound device.

  (D) Bythe twelfthweek of pregnancy ,fetal heart-beatscan be detectedusing a Doppler ultrasounddevicebya physician.

  (E) Using a Doppler ultrasound device,a physician candetectfetal heartbeats by the twelfth week of pregnancy .






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