





2018-08-17 14:52:00来源:网络




  971.Manyeconomistspredictthatthe nextrecession, when itcomes, willbe caused byFederalReserve action taken to prevent an inflationaryupsurge thatwould result if the economy were to expand at an annualrateof three percent or more.

  (A) taken toprevent aninflationaryupsurge that would result

  (B) theytookfor preventingan inflationaryupsurgethatwouldresult

  (C) takento preventan inflationaryupsurgeresulting

  (D) theytook topreventan inflationaryupsurge resulting

  (E) takenfor preventing an inflationaryupsurge thatwillresult

  972.Manyenvironmentalists believe that thewidespread planting of trees, along with the conservation of existing forests, would be one of thesurest,easiest, andleast expensivewaysto begin to halt or evento reversethe buildup of carbondioxide in theair .

  (A) oneof the surest, easiest,and least expensiveways tobegin tohaltor even to reverse

  (B) one of themostsure, easy ,and least expensive waysto begina haltor even reverse

  (C) one of thesurest,easiest, andleast expensive waysthatwouldbegin halting or even reversing

  (D) amost sure, easy ,andinexpensivewaybeginning the halting andeven reversing of

  (E) themost sure, easiest,and inexpensive waythatwould begin haltingor even reversing

  973.No matterhow patientlytheyexplain their reasons for confiscating certainitems, travelers often treatcustomsinspectors like wanton poachers rather than governmentemployees.

  (A) travelersoften treat customsinspectors likewanton poachersrather than government employees

  (B) travelers often treatcustomsinspectors as wantonpoachers insteadof government employees

  (C) travelers often treatcustomsinspectors as iftheywere notgovernment employees but want on poachers

  (D) customsinspectors areoften treatedbytravelers as if theywere wanton poachers rather than government employees

  (E) customs inspectors are oftentreated not like government employees but wanton poachers by travelers

  974.Onenoted economist has made a comparison of theFederalReserve and an automobileas racing througha tunnel,bouncingfirstoff onewall, thenthe other: the carmayget where itis going, butpeople maybe hurtin the process.

  (A) made acomparison of theFederalReserve and anautomobileas racing through a tunnel, bouncing

  (B) madea comparison between the FederalReserve andan automobileracing through a tunnel, bouncing

  (C) comparedthe federalReservewith anautomobile as racing through atunnel and which bounced

  (D) comparedthe FederalReserve toan automobileracingthrough a tunnel, bouncing

  (E) compared theFederalReserve with anautomobile that races through a tunnel and itbounces

  975.Puritan fanaticsbrought to civil andmilitaryaffairs a coolness of judgmentand mutabilityof purpose thatsome writers havethough inconsistent withtheir religious zeal, but which was in fact a naturaloutgrowth of it.

  (A) butwhich was in facta natural outgrowthof it

  (B) but which werein facta natural outgrowth of it

  (C) but which werein factnaturaloutgrowths of it

  (D) butit was in fact a naturaloutgrowth of them

  (E) which was in fact a naturaloutgrowth of it






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