





2019-11-22 16:12:17来源:网络



    1. 对错误选项进行全面分析

    2. 对未划线部分的内容进行深度挖掘




    例1-1 A scrub jay can remember when it cached a particular piece of food in a particular place, researchers have discovered, and tend not to bother to recover a perishable treat if stored long enough to have rotted.

     A. tend not to bother to recover a perishable treat if

     B. they tend not to bother recovering a perishable treat

     C. tending not to bother recovering a perishable treat if

     D. tends not to bother recovering a perishable treat

     E. tends not bothering to recover a perishable treat if

    这道题的正确答案是D。很多同学的排除方法是这样的:通过if stored 状语从句省略的考点,可以排除ADE,stored逻辑上修饰的应该是 treat,而语法上省略主语,所以修饰的是scrub jay,语法逻辑不吻合错。B的they单复数不一致排掉。这么分析完全没有问题。

    这里我主要是想请同学们思考另一个问题,为什么正确答案不给A选项的 tend,让 tend 去跟 sting 平行,为什么要给 tends 呢?这个就是我们这道题需要深度挖掘的问题。原因是虽然 tend 和 remember 语法上 平行,但是语意不对,tend to bother to recover 倾向于恢复易腐烂的食物,这是不是一个能力的问题,can tend 语意就不合理了。所以出题人“费尽心思”,把正确答案设计成 tends,让 tends 去和 can 平行,这样逻辑就对了。而且于此同时,你还能总结出另一个结论,行为动词和情态动词是可以平行的。赶紧拿小本本记下来。


  例1-2 As contrasted with the honey bee, the yellow jacket can sting repeatedly without dying and carries a potent venom that can cause intense pain.

    (A) As contrasted with the honey bee

    (B) In contrast to the honey bee’s

    (C) Unlike the sting of the honey bee

    (D) Unlike that of the honey bee

    (E) Unlike the honey bee

    这道题答案是E,排除起来很简单。A选项 as contrasted with 搭配不对,BCD和 yellow jacket 不可比,这里我就不在赘述了。 主要大家观察一下未划线部分。And 链接的是不是 can sting 和 carries 平行?为啥不写carry,是不是道理和刚才那道题一样,同样是carry a venom不是能力问题,就是本身携带的毒液。这道题的未划线,就是那道题的答案。 所以大家能理解我说的深度挖掘未划线了吗?


    例2-1 Discussion of greenhouse effects have usually had as a focus the possibility of Earth growing warmer and to what extent it might, but climatologists have indicated all along that precipitation, storminess, and temperature extremes are likely to have the greatest impact on people.

    (A) Discussion of greenhouse effects have usually hadas a focus the possibility of Earth growing warmer and to what extent it might

    (B) Discussion of greenhouse effects has usually hadas its focus whether Earth would get warmer and what the extent would be

    (C) Discussion of greenhouse effects has usually focused on whether Earth would grow warmer and to what extent

    (D) The discussion of greenhouse effects have usually focused on the possibility of Earth getting warmer and to what extent itmight

    (E) The discussion of greenhouse effects had usually focused on whether Earth would grow warmer and the extent that is

    这道题的正确答案是C。很多同学没有选C,因为找不到C中的 to what extent 更谁平行。这里的 to what extent 不是不定式的用法,它相当于是一个从句的引导词,往前找可以和 whether 平行。To what extent 这个用法我们可以在哪里学到呢?我们可以在另一道题的错误选项中看到这个表达。来我们看一下下面这个题↓↓↓

  例2-2 The soft drink company’s flat earnings for the second quarter reflect the success of both its restructured global bottling system and the extent to which poor currency exchange rates keep down profits for multinational companies.

    A. reflect the success of both its restructured global bottling system and the extent to which poor currency exchange rates keep

    B. reflect both the success of its restructured global bottling system and the extent to which poor currency exchange rates are keeping

    C. reflect both the success of its restructured global system and the extent of poor currency exchange rates keeping

    D. both reflect the success of its restructured global bottling system and to what extant poor currency exchange rates are keeping

    E. both reflect the success of its restructured global bottling system and to what extent poor currency exchange rages are keeping

    这道题答案是B。我们来看一下E选项,是不是E中就有 to what extent。虽然它是一个错误选项,但是 to what extent 的表达并没有错。所以我们在做例2-2的时候,不仅要选出来答案,这个表达应该是我们要去积累下来的,这样你再做例2-1的时候就不会觉得那么难了。

    官方曾经透漏 GMAC 出一道题目的成本是2000美金,成本非常高,所以也就导致了我们能够用的题是有限的。所以希望大家不要浪费他们费尽心思设计出来的题目,我一直提倡大家用一种欣赏的态度,来 “品读” 语法题目的正确答案,希望这篇文章能为同学们打开一个思路。


    教师介绍:武可,GMAT语法主力教师。 美国Tulane University(杜兰大学)硕士。 五年教学经验。2015年获得新东方美研项目GMAT优秀提分教师称号。 长期致力于语法教学研究,多次参与新东方GMAT项目教研,有完整的一套语法教学体系。带出众多GMAT700+,750+学员, 其中很多同学申请到了哥大,纽大,UC系统学校的知名研究生项目。


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