





2020-02-28 15:42:00来源:网络


  4. Based on records from ancient Athens, each year young Athenian women collaborated to weave a new woollen robe that they used to dress a statue of the goddess Athena and that this robe depicted scenes of a battle between Zeus, Athena's father, and giants.

  (A) Based on records from ancient Athens, each year young Athenian women collaborated to weave a new woollen robe that they used to dress

  (B) Based on records from ancient Athens, each year young Athenian women had collaborated to weave a new woollen robe with which to dress

  (C) According to records from ancient Athens, each year young Athenian women collaborated to weave a new woollen robe that they used to dress

  (D) Records from ancient Athens indicate that each year young Athenian women collaborated to weave a new woollen robe with which they dressed

  (E) Records from ancient Athens indicate each year young Athenian women had collaborated to weave a new woollen robe for dressing

  5. Although unhappy with the high rent her company was paying for its suburban office building, the chief executive recognized rental rates for buildings in the suburbs as far lower than it typically is for property that is located within the city limits.

  (A) rental rates for buildings in the suburbs as far lower than it typically is for property that is located within the city limits

  (B) rental rates for buildings in the suburbs as being far lower than what the rates typically charged within the city limits had been for property located there

  (C) rental rates typically being charged for property located within the city limits to be far lower as they typically were within the city limits for the property there

  (D) that rental rates for buildings in the suburbs were far lower than rental rates typically being charged within the city limits for property located there

  (E) that rental rates for buildings in the suburbs were far lower than those typically charged for property located within the city limits

  6. As a result of the ground-breaking work of Barbara McClintock, Many scientists now believe that all of the information encoded in 50,000 to 100,000 of the different genes found in a human cell are contained in merely three percent of the cell’s DNA.

  (A) 50,000 to 100,000 of the different genes found in a human cell are contained in merely

  (B) 50,000 to 100,000 of the human cell’s different genes are contained in a mere

  (C) the 50,000 to 100,000 different genes found in human cells are contained in merely

  (D) 50,000 to 100,000 of human cells’ different genes is contained in merely

  (E) the 50,000 to 100,000 different genes found in a human cell is contained in a mere


本文关键字: GMAT语法 GMAT

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    来源 : 网络 2021-01-25 13:26:00 关键字 : GMAT语法 GMAT



