





2020-03-05 12:30:00来源:网络


  1. With its plan to develop seven and a half acres of shore land,Cleveland is but one of a large number of communities on the Great Lakes that is looking to its waterfront as a way to improve the quality of urban life and attract new businesses.

  (A) is looking to its waterfront as a way to improve the quality of urban life and attract

  (B) is looking at its waterfront to improve the quality of urban life and attract

  (C) are looking to their waterfronts to improve the quality of urban life and attract

  (D) are looking to its waterfront as a way of improving the quality of urban life and attracting

  (E) are looking at their waterfronts as a way they can improve the quality of urban life and attract

  2. Byron possessed powers of observation that would have made him a great anthropologist and that makes his letters as a group the rival of the best novels of the time.

  (A) makes his letters as a group the rival of

  (B) makes his letters as a group one to rival

  (C) makes his letters a group rivaling

  (D) make his letters as a group the rival of

  (E) make his letters a group which is the rival of

  3. Although it claims to delve into political issues,television can be superficial such as when each of the three major networks broadcast exactly the same statement from a political candidate.

  (A) superficial such as when each of the three major networks

  (B) superficial, as can sometimes occur if all of the three major networks

  (C) superficial if the three major networks all

  (D) superficial whenever each of the three major networks

  (E) superficial, as when the three major networks each

  4. The filibuster,a parliamentary device that slows the snail's pace that prevails even in the best of times in congressional sessions and tests the endurance of everyone associated with it,seems more and more an anachronism in the age of telecommunications.

  (A) sessions and tests the endurance of everyone associated with it, seems

  (B) sessions and tests the endurance of everyone who is associated with it, seeming to be

  (C) sessions, tests the endurance of everyone associated with it, seems

  (D) sessions, that tests the endurance of everyone associated with it and seems

  (E) sessions, testing the endurance of everyone associated with it and seeming

  5. Comparing the Quechans with other Native Americans of the Southwest, the Quechans were singularly uninterested in the accumulation of material wealth or in the crafting of elaborate pottery and basketry.

  (A) Comparing the Quechans with other Native Americans of the Southwest, the Quechans

  (B) When you compare the Quechans to other Native Americans of the Southwest, they

  (C) When other Native Americans of the Southwest are compared to the Quechans, they

  (D) Comparison to other Native Americans of the Southwest shows that the Quechans

  (E) Compared with other Native Americans of the Southwest, the Quechans

  6. The guiding principles of the tax plan released by the Treasury Department could have even a greater significance for the economy than the particulars of the plan.

  (A) even a greater significance for the economy than

  (B) a significance that is even greater for the economy than

  (C) even greater significance for the economy than have

  (D) even greater significance for the economy than do

  (E) a significance even greater for the economy than have

  7. One noted economist has made a comparison of the Federal Reserve and an automobile as racing through a tunnel,bouncing first off one wall,then the other;the car may get where it is going,but people may be hurt in the process.

  (A) made a comparison of the Federal Reserve and an automobile as racing through a tunnel, bouncing

  (B) made a comparison between the Federal Reserve and an automobile racing through a tunnel, bouncing

  (C) compared the Federal Reserve with an automobile as racing through a tunnel and which bounced

  (D) compared the Federal Reserve to an automobile racing through a tunnel, bouncing

  (E) compared the Federal Reserve with an automobile that races through a tunnel and it bounces

  8.The report on the gross national product——the nation's total production of goods and services—— showed that second-quarter inflation was somewhat lower than a previous estimation and the savings rate slightly higher.

  (A) a previous estimation and the savings rate slightly higher

  (B) a previous estimation and with a slightly higher savings rate

  (C) a previous estimate and that the savings rate is slightly higher

  (D) previously estimated and a slightly higher savings rate

  (E) previously estimated and that the savings rate was slightly higher

  9. Like John McPhee's works,Ann Beattie painstakingly assembles in her works an interesting and complete world out of hundreds of tiny details about a seemingly uninteresting subject.

  (A) Like John McPhee's works, Ann Beattie painstakingly assembles in her works

  (B) Like John McPhee, Ann Beattie's works painstakingly assemble

  (C) Like John McPhee, Ann Beattie painstakingly assembles in her works

  (D) Just as John McPhee's, so Ann Beattie's works painstakingly assemble

  (E) Just as John McPhee, Ann Beattie painstakingly assembles in her works

  10. Because natural gas is composed mostly of methane,a simple hydrocarbon,vehicles powered by natural gas emit less of certain pollutants than the burning of gasoline or diesel fuel.

  (A) less of certain pollutants than the burning of gasoline or diesel fuel

  (B) fewer of certain pollutants than burning gasoline or diesel fuel do

  (C) less of certain pollutants than gasoline or diesel fuel

  (D) fewer of certain pollutants than does burning gasoline or diesel fuel

  (E) less of certain pollutants than those burning gasoline or diesel fuel



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